Chapter 4- Let's Get Out Of Here

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*Joe's POV*

I took Kasey's arm and pulled her down stairs into my room, her eye's locked with my hand and a confused look is upon her face.

"Joe what are we doing?" She asked in a stern voice.

"We are getting out of here." I said.

"Joe the party is upstairs not down." She chuckled.

"I know but live a little Kasey, your so fucking up tight."

"Excuse me? Me? Up tight? Are you reading your facts wrong because last time I checked was.." She trailed off trying to think of one rebellious moment She has had, which in her case none.

"See you have no fun memories, come on live a little, be on the wild side." I said placing my hands on her hips.

"Joe move your hands before I change my mind." She said agreeing to my idea.

I quickly removed my hands and locked my fingers with her own, I lead her to Caspar's room and open his large window.

I boost her up and she crawls to her feet once she is outside, I shut Caspar's window behind me and quickly follow Kasey.

Kasey runs down the street laughing, it echoing through the quite street.

"Come on Suggy!" She exclaimed before she went into a fit of laughter.

"I'm coming." I shouted running up to her, my brown hair flopping in-front of my eyes.

"So where are we off to?" She asked.

"Anywhere." I said shoving my hands in my pockets.

"Oh come on this is the famous, Joe Sugg!" She exclaimed doing a twirl laughing her head off.

"K, are you drunk?" I asked.

"Psh no, I don't drink." She said looking at me with a confusing expression.

I can never read this girl's mind. I think I am insane but I cant read what this girl wants, what she is thinking, what she is feeling, what she wants. She is so interesting, she is full of life, full of fun.

"Right, I have an Idea." I said walking up to her.

"And what that might be Mr. Sugg?" She asked giggling.

"Just trust me, I will be great."


As Kasey and walked the streets of London, her eyes lit up with excitement and joy as she took in the view of how quite London can be.

We walked down the long quite road and onto the pathway into Hyde Park, Kasey's hands loosen from mine as she run's over to the small swing set.

I walked over to her and stand in front of her, my eyes locked with her own.

I never noticed how hazel her eyes were; the mixtures of blue, green and a hint of brown make her who she is, as small smile is placed on her plump pink lips. She stands up from the swing pressing her forehead on mine.

My eyes flicker from her lips to her eyes as a smile is placed on my lips, I wrap my hands around her waist as she rested her nose onto mine only inches from my lips.

"Kasey! Joe! " A somewhat recognisable voice shouts.

It's Riah.

I looked back at Kasey as her head hung low.

"We should go." I said trying to break the awkward tension.

"Yeah." She mumbled.

*Mariah's POV*

"Guy's where is Joe and Kasey?" Caspar asked.

"I actually have no idea, why?" I asked.

"Well they have been gone for ages." Caspar said.

"Okay well I'll get in the car and look for them Caspar seeing your too lazy to do it." I snarled.

"Hey, I can't leave I am the host of this party anyway, Riah." Caspar chortled.

I rolled my eyes and walked out of their flat, I clicked the little unlock button on the car keys and take my seat.

Once I started the ignition I backed out of the parking spot and drove off into the quite streets of London. I look around the neighbourhood and no sign of them, great.

I turned down heading towards Hyde Park, I parked my car and jumped out of the car.

I walked towards the footpath tugging my jumper closer to my body. I walked pass the playground seeing them both standing there, what on earth are they up to.

"Kasey! Joe!" I shouted.

Both of their heads turned in my direction and stare at me, Kasey and Joe slowly walked over to me with their heads hung low.

"Hey Riah." Joe said sweetly.

"Don't hey me." I sighed.

"Come on, what did I do?" Joe asked.

"You left poor Caspar to host the whole party so come on and also you made Kasey all loopy." I said as my arms crossed over my chest.

Joe nodded and Kasey followed behind him, they took a seat in the back of my car and I started the ignition.

God I feel like I am taking two drunk ass people back home.

As I pulled up back at their flat Joe mumbled a quite thank you and got out of the car.

Kasey pushed open the car door and stomped her feet out of the car and she leaned against the hood of my car.


I got out of my seat and walked up to her, I rested my head on her shoulder trying to get her attention. "You know, Joe is a great guy." I said.

"He is my best friend, I can't like him, Riah." She sighed.

"So you Like Joe?" I asked lifting my head up.

"No I don't, he is a family friend that I have to put up with." She said.

"But you and Joe act like a couple sometimes." I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"No we don't, your not even from here and you are already telling me shit." She spat.

"Calm down Kasey, I may not know you well but I know Joe and the amount of times he has stuffed up relationships is countless."

"Yeah, I'm sorry." She sighed.

"It's fine, we all need tough love."

"I'm actually gonna head home so I'll see you soon, Riah."

"Yeah of course, text me!" I shouted as she walked across the road to her flat.

I walked back inside Joe's and Caspar's flat spotting Sam laughing with the guys.

I quietly walk over to them and wrap my arms around Sam's waist. Sam's eyes locked with my own as he leans down and places a long and meaningful kiss on my lips.


Hello our beautiful people! Now updates and is don't mix so we may be late or early depends how much writing we have done!

Anyway please!
And share the book!
Izzy and Phoenix


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