Chapter 19- New Girl

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*Ashley's POV*

"It was great meeting you." I smiled shaking Caspar's hand.

"You too, hope to see you more often." Caspar smiled.

I walked to Joe and smiled softly. Joe's eyes locked with my own and his cheeky grin pulled upon his face.

"So I'll see you around?" I smirked wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Defiantly." Joe whispered.

I gave him a quick hug and walked out of Grace's and Kasey's flat. The cold air of London nipped my skin as I walked quickly to my front door.

I walked up the concrete steps and turned the door knob. I quickly shut the door behind me and hung my coat on the rack along with my scarf.

"Back so early?" Charlie asked.

"Yeah, I flirted with Joe like you asked me to." I smiled.

"Good, now all you have to do is make sure Joe falls for you." Charlie snickered.

"That won't be too hard, I mean Kasey probably doesn't mean anything to him." I chuckled placing my bag on the kitchen table.

"Kasey will be mine Ashley and when she is i'll make sure she never leaves again." Charlie smirked.

"Why do you have this obsession with her anyway, she isn't even that pretty." I scoffed.

"How dare you say that, you low life bitch!" Charlie exclaimed.

Charlie walked closer to me in rage as his feet made a thud on the ground,  Charlie's hand contacted my face wth full force and fury.

I let out a loud scream as tears rolled down my cheeks. Charlie's eyes locked with my own as his breathing quickened.

"I'm.. Sorry." I stuttered rising to my feet.

"Just go to bed." Charlie mumbled.

I lowered my head as more tears rolled down my cheeks. My eyes locked with Charlie's once more before walking to my room.

The only safe place around here.

*Mariah's POV*

"Sam I think we should talk it out before we make it official." I sighed.

"Mariah I just can't." Sam cried.

"Sam do you think I wanted you to end this?" I screamed.

"But Mariah I have no choice." Sam signed.

"You do Sam, but you picked popularity over someone you love?!" I exclaimed.

"Mariah this could be my big break for me." Sam sighed.

"But it doesn't mean you have to end us Sam." I cried.

"Mariah I am sick of fighting all the time, I want us to work properly and fix it but I don't know how!" Sam shouted.

"Maybe a break is a good thing then." I cried as hot fresh tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Baby, please don't cry." Sam sighed.

"I can't control my tears Sam, I love you." I cried.

"I am going out for a bit, I'll see you in an hour ." Sam sighed shutting the front door.

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