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*Joe's POV*

"Hello everyone my name is ThatcherJoe and welcome back to my channel." I smiled into the camera.

"I haven't been here the past year is because of an incident that occurred that most of you all know of." I sighed.

"A year ago today was meant to be mine and Kasey's wedding anniversary but instead, there was a car crash and Kasey passed away." I sighed twiddling my thumbs.

"The past year has been really tough for me, I was lost as you could say, I wouldn't speak, eat, sleep I'd just sit there staring at a photo of Kasey and I." I said.

"But as months went by I started to realise that she wouldn't want me dwelling my life away so I finally got up and started to do something about it." I smiled.

"Everyone was so supportive and I want to say thank you for that, you guys are the best and I couldn't thank my sister Zoe enough for helping me through all this." I smiled softly.

"It's amazing how much one person can affect your life and Kasey affected mine a lot." I smiled.

"I will start posting videos again next week , I'm so sorry about being away for a very long time, cheers guys." I said.

I got off the bed and quickly walked down to the cemetery in London, the wind was cold and brisk as I stood there in front of her gravestone.

"Hey Kasey, your probably wondering what I'm doing here since I haven't visited you in over a few months." I sighed.

"But I wanted to let you know that I'm finally going to move on with my life, I need to understand that my life doesn't have you apart of it anymore." I croaked as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"But that's okay because I know you will be watching over me and being proud of what ever I accomplish. " I smiled.

"I hope you found Peter Pan, and finally made it to neverland and to become a lost boy, and Kasey, I love you and I always will." I sighed placing the red rose on her grave stone.

I blew a soft kiss from my lips down to the gravestone and began to walk back into London.

*3 years later*

"Daddy!" My daughter screamed running towards me.

"Kasey my darling." I smiled placing a kiss on her forehead.

"How was your nap?" I asked placing her on my hip.

"Good." She giggled.

"Joe be carfeful." Mariah chuckled.

"Sorry babe." I smiled and placed her down onto the sofa.

I walked over to Mariah and wrapped my arms around her waist, placing a kiss on her cheek.

"It's been four years now." Mariah sighed.

"I know." I smiled.

"Are you going to visit her?" Mariah asked.

"I'll see her again soon, I know she is watching down on us." I smiled.

*authors POV*

It's funny, isn't it? The main character passes away and then he fell for the best friend. Ironic isn't it.

Joe and Mariah got married two years later, and had another child and named him Peter.

Everyone was overwhelmed for Joe and Mariah that they got married and had two beautiful children.

Joe knew Kasey was watching over him all the time and as she was. Kasey may of been rude, funny, weird, and unique. But she always had a soft spot for Joe.

Joe knew deep down his love for Kasey would never die, and it never did.

Kasey and Joe were the best mistake for each other and they will never fall out of love, deep down...They wouldn't.

Joe and Kasey's love will live on, Joe always visited her gravestone to just chat away and pretend he is talking to her.

Joe always loved Kasey, and he knew deep down she was the best mistake he had ever made.

The end.


Well my darlings that is the end of. Best Mistake....

GRAB US SOME TISSUES! So Joe ended up with Mariah? Isn't that ironic, and then named their children Kasey and Peter.

Izzy is going to be taking a break from writing and won't publish another book for a while... she is deeply sorry but she needs a break man!

I am so happy that this book has the most reads, votes and comments that I have ever written and We couldn't be more proud.

We love you all so so so so much thank you truly...

Izzy and Phoenix

Signing out

Best Mistake||Joe Sugg Where stories live. Discover now