Chapter 20- It's Starting

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*Ashley's POV*

"This was fun Joe." I smiled at him.

Joe and I walked down the cold streets of London hand in hand. Caspar left a few hours ago and so did Kasey.

"Yeah it was, I'll see you soon." Joe smiled.

I pulled him in for a small embrace, my eyes locked with his and Joe's lips found mine.

My hands wrapped around Joe's neck as he deepened the kiss. I pull away and rest my forehead on his own.

"Woah." I said catching my breath.

"I'll see you around." Joe said placing a kiss on my cheek.

I waved Joe goodbye as my eyes meet his one last time before shutting the door behind me.

Thank god Kasey left a while ago, other wise this whole plan of my brothers wouldn't work.

Joe is a sweet guy, but I don't know what he sees in Kasey. She is rude, obnoxious, she also could use a hair cut. But she is kind at times, she is pretty and sticks up for her friends.

Like I said, I don't know what my brother or Joe see in Kasey.

Charlie is a good brother at times when he doesn't hit me if I do something wrong or piss him off some how.

I don't want to do this whole plan Charlie has thought out, but if I don't then he will tell mum everything and I can't risk mum knowing.

I hate doing Charlie's dirty work, why can't he do it himself?

He got caught up in this not me, I wanted nothing to do with it but no, Charlie had to black mail me.

I placed my bag down in the floor near the door and hung up my coat.

"Ashley, is that you?" Charlie shouted.

"Yeah it is." I sighed walking down the hallway.

"So how was it?" Charlie chuckled.

"It was good, I did what you asked me to." I sighed sitting down on the kitchen stool.

"Good, so now we can start the next part of the plan." Charlie chuckled.

"Which is?" I trailed off.

"You need to get Joe to ask you on a date, make sure it's public and make sure it's well known to Kasey's knowledge." Charlie explained.

"I don't get what you see in her Charlie, all this trouble just for one girl, why?" I sighed.

"Because I love her and she loves me but she doesn't know that yet." Charlie smirked.

"Charlie you can't make someone fall in love with you, it's not like at the wave of a wand or a walk in the park." I scoffed.

"You have to treat them right, the way you treated Kasey wasn't right and I want out of this stupid plan." I said locking my eyes with his.

Charlie's deep green eyes locked with my own as his jaw clenched and his hands made fists.

I slowly took steps back as he walked closer towards me, my heart was beating twenty miles an hour almost thumping out of my chest.

My breathing quickly became hitched as his hand pulled on my shirt lifting me up off the ground.

"You don't want to back out Ashley, otherwise I'll tell mum who the real murderer is in the family." Charlie spat dropping me to the fall making a loud thud.

"You wouldn't dare." I said finally catching my breath.

"Watch me Ashley, I can't have you back out now anyway." Charlie sighed.

"Why not? Can't you get some other girl besides your own sister?" I exclaimed.

"No Ashley, because when Kasey finds out the truth she will come back running to me." Charlie snickered.

"Truth about what?" I scoffed.

"The truth about you and Joe." Charlie chuckled.

*Mariah's POV*

"Sam, can we please try something to fix us?" I cried.

"Mariah I don't think there is anything." Sam sighed.

"All these years, wasted? Sam please I love you." I screamed as tears were rolling down my cheeks.

"But you have to let the things you love go Mariah." Sam mumbled as a tear rolled down his cheek.

"But Sam, I will do anything for you and for us to fix all of this." I cried.

"Mariah we have tried everything and I can't be with you any longer." Sam shouted.

"But you love me!" I screamed.

"I do but I can't stand us fighting anymore and I don't see any other way of resolving this conflict." Sam sighed.

"Sam please." I begged him.

"I can't lose you." I whispered.

"You haven't lost me, I'll still be here for you and-"

"No Sam, I have lost you! I love you Sam can't you see that? I will never stop loving you, you're my everything." I shouted falling to the wooden floor to my knees.

I lowered my head and let the tears roll down my cheeks onto the floor.

"Sam please.." I trailed off.

My eyes locked with his ocean blue eyes as tears were rolling down his cheeks and his jaw was clenched. His hands were in a fist.

"Sam I'm begging you." I pleaded once more.

"I'm sorry Mariah, I love you." Sam sighed shutting the door behind him.

He is gone, for good this time, and there is nothing I can do to stop him from leaving.

Love doesn't exist for me, it doesn't exist for anyone around me. But maybe one day that all may change.

I got off the floor and walked into the kitchen grabbing the ice cream. I grabbed a large spoon and sat down on the couch.

I wrapped myself up in the blankets behind me and turned on the TV.

This is my life now, sitting here wth ice cream watching Disney movies.


There goes the power couple in our story besides Zalfie.... Sorry! But this was more of a filler as Izzy has a lot of assessments and that's why they haven't been long as they normally are.

So sorry for that!

Share the book around!
Love you all so much
Izzy and Phoenix

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