Chapter 18-Someone New?

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*Kasey's POV*

"Kasey what are you doing to me." Joe moaned as I kissed down his neck.

"Nothing Joe." I smiled innocently.

My lips found Joe's once again as he locked out hips together.

"Hello?" Someone shouted.


I quickly pushed Joe off me and turned on the TV. Grace walked into the room placing her bag in the bench.

"Hey Grace back so soon?" I asked as Joe focused on the TV.

"Yeah I didn't have to do much at the office plus Caspar wouldn't stop bugging me." Graced sighed.

"Also, I saw a new girl moving in next door." Grace smiled.

"Really?" Joe piped in.

"Yeah, she looked nice enough to say hello to." Grace shrugged.

New girl huh, is it bad that I want to suss her out? I mean for all we know she is a stalker or a creep.

"Should we ask her over?" Grace suggested.

"Sure, I mean lets allow a complete stranger into our house!" I said sarcastically.

"Come on Kasey, be polite." Joe chuckled.

"Fine." I sighed giving in to the idea.

"Come on then lets go ask her." Grace squealed.

Grace pulled my arm and got me of the couch while Joe sat there in amusement, I quickly followed behind Grace as we reached the front door.

The cold air brushed past us as we walked out to the next house over.

Grace walked up the concrete steps and knocked on the bright red door as I slowly made my way towards her.

The door opened and the girl stood there with a smile on her face.

Her dark red hair was tied into two little piggy tails and her bright green eyes locked with ours, her pearly white teeth were on display while her lightly tanned skin shined through.

"Hello, I'm Grace and this is Kasey and we are your new neighbors." Grace smiled.

"I'm Ashley." She smiled.

"Well Ashley, we would like to invite you over tonight if you weren't busy?" Grace asked her.

"We? This was your idea." I sighed.

"Sure, I would love to!" She exclaimed forcing my comment.

"Great, see you at 6?" Grace asked.

"Yeah see you then." Ashley said closing the door.

"She is nice." Grace smiled.

"I don't know, she looks familiar." I questioned.

"Well, I think she is lovely." Grace smiled.

"What ever you say." I sighed.

Tonight is going to be very long for me ....

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