Chapter 22- The Big Masquerade Ball Part 2

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Read authors notes! They are important xx

*Kasey's POV*

"Here we are." The driver smiled as he pulled up to the side of the road in front of the lush red carpet.

"Thank you." I smiled and got out of The car followed by Grace, Joe and Caspar.

Millions of flashes of cameras were blinding us as we waved and quickly walked down the carpet.

I walked up the stairs and handed the man standing at the door our invitations. He smiled and opened the large golden doors.

As the doors open my eyes nearly popped out of my head as my feet walked on the white marble tiled floor.

There was golden pillars holding the building up as a large crystals chandelier hung low.

There were sparks of greenery and large love seats scattered around the room.

"Guys this way." Grace exclaimed.

I quickly put on my mask as did Joe, he took a hold of my hand and we walked into the main room.

The large ballroom had stained glass windows creating the YouTube Logo, and the golden pillowed were there once again with the same marble floor.

I looked around seeing people laughing, talking and dancing along to the band playing sweet,soft, classical music.

"Shall we dance?" Joe whispered in my ear.

A small smile plastered in my face as Joe leaded me to the dance floor.

Joe took a hold of my waist and my hand as I placed mine on his shoulder. Joe and I swayed to the music as his eyes never left mine.

Nothing could ruin tonight.

*Ashely's POV*

"We are going to this masquerade ball everyone will be at." Charlie spat passing me a blush pink ball gown with a gold mask.

"And what do you plan on doing?" I asked.

"That's between me and the guys, all you need to do is make sure Kasey dances with me." Charlie snarled.

I quickly got into the dress and put in my makeup.

I tied up my mask around my head and slipped on my golden high heels.

I grabbed my clutch and walked out the door, Charlie had a black suit and tie in with a dark red mask.

Charlie opened the car door and allowed me inside first.

Charlie sat down next to me telling the diver where we are going.

The driver nodded and began to drive off.

To be honest, I never wanted to do this whole scheme Charlie has planned. I was black mailed basically, because I killed my mother.

Yes, you'd never think someone like me would murder my own mother.

I had to though, she took one thing from me that meant the world to me and that was my father.

She took my fathers life, she took the one man who had respect for me.

The same day he died was the day Charlie became his abusive, selfish and dickhead of a human being.

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