Chapter 3- Mariah

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*Mariah's POV*

"Finally back in London!" I exclaimed as we got off the plane.

"Good to be home isn't it, babe." Sam said placing a kiss on my cheek.

I love it when he call's me babe, sends chills down my spine.

Sam and I have just been in Australia to promote our movie; 'Riah & Calamari Down Under', and we visited our families because well we are on the other side of the world and they are in Australia.

I guess the reason why we moved was because we wanted a change of scenery and to be able to travel more considering our YouTube channels grew bigger.

Plus I have always wanted to move away from home because I want to prove my family I can do things on my own like an independent women.

When I was in high school I was battling with my own problems and my family just put a lot of pressure onto it in some way.

When I meet Sam he took away all of my problems and made me happy, he is the love of my life and I don't think I can imagine my life without him.

Sam and I have been together for four years and they have truly been amazing.

"I missed London a lot." I said picking up both mine and Sam's bag.

"Yeah me too, but aye Australia was fun." Sam smirked.

I let out a slight chuckle and placed a kiss on his cheek, Sam wrapped his arm around my waist and we walked out of the airport.

"Sam where did you park the car again?" I asked looking around in the car park.

"Umm, over there." He said walking towards the little red car.

I quickly followed behind him and placed our bags into the back and took my seat.

Sam started the engine and we drove out of the airport.

I looked out of the window and saw the grey clouds over London. Typical London. My phone buzzed in my lap and I saw it was a text from the one and only Joe Sugg.

Joe Sugg: Hey Riah, I hope Australia was great for you and Sam but we are having a YouTuber party tonight at seven are you guys in?

"Hey, babe." I said getting Sam's attention.

"Yeah, Cutie?"

"Joe wants to know if we want to go to his party tonight for YouTubers, it would be great to see the gang again." I said.

"Yeah sure."

Me: Yes! We are in, see you there!

Sam pulled up into our driveway and turned off the ignition, I open the car door and grab our bags as Sam goes and unlocks the door.

I walk inside our cold flat and placed our bag near the door, I walk down stairs to our bedroom and look for something to wear.

"Hey babe, whats the weather meant to be like?" I shouted.

"Colder then the North Pole." Sam said walking to our room.

"Okay well then I'll wear jeans." I mumbled.

I pulled out my black skinny jeans and put on my maroon long sleeve shirt with my white cardigan. I grab my jewellery and place all my rings on my fingers.

"Babe, come on we are gonna be late!" Sam exclaimed at me.

"One second." I shouted looking through my make up bag.

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