Chapter 13- Coming Home

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*Kasey's POV*

"No, Charlie can't be the only person you love or what ever you say, come back to me when you have some sense in your brain." Joe spat as he walked away.

This is what I don't get, why would Joe care? I know Charlie is my ex but he actually never let me explain.

The dick head of a Sugg didn't let my own two sense in, I cannot lose my best friend to a made up stunt I never agreed on.

I shut the front door and turned around seeing Grace standing there shocked as her mouth hung low.

"Kasey, are you okay?" She asked taking slow steps towards me.

I just shook my head and slid down to the floor, I pulled my knees to my chest and rested my head on my knees.

"Kasey." Grace sighed wrapping her arms around me.

"Grace just get off me please!" I shouted.

Grace pulled back and moved a few feet away from me, her eyes were wider then anything i have ever seen and her jaw was clenched to stop tears falling down her cheeks.

"I'm going for a walk." I mumbled.

I picked up my shoes and slipped on my coat, I grabbed my suitcase and walked into the cold air of London.

I need to get out of here for a while, even if it means a few days.

*Joe's POV*

I walked inside my flat and slammed the door shut, Caspar's eyes locked with my own with a sad smile on his face.

"I'm guessing it didn't go well?" Caspar sighed.

"No it didn't go well at all, It ended up being a screaming match." I sighed.

"Aww buddy." Caspar said pulling me in for an embrace.

I showed him a small smile as I pulled out of his embrace.

I do not get why I cared if Kasey was with Charlie, I really shouldn't give two darn shits but for some reason I do.

Kasey and I are only friends with benefits and there isn't any emotion right? Or what if there is now?

No way there can't be. I think I love Kasey but I can't, oh no, I need Sam's help.

"Joe?" Caspar shouted.

"What Caspar?" I said quite annoyed.

"Look." He said motivating me to the window.

I looked out the window seeing Kasey with her suitcase in her hand and walking down the street quiet quickly. Where on earth could this girl be going now?

"Don't care." I sighed.

"How about we get Sam and Mariah over?" Caspar suggested.

"Yeah good Idea." I smiled.

While Caspar was busy typing away on his phone I quickly ran down stairs to change into my tracksuit pants and a white shirt.

I slowly walked up the stairs seeing Sam and Mariah with smiles on their face as my presence is now visible.

"Joe, how are you mate?" Sam asked.

"Okay I guess." I smiled.

"Joe." Mariah cooed pulling me in for an embrace.

"Riah, how are you?" I asked.

"I am good." She smiled.

"Hey Sam I wanna show you something." I lied.

"Sure, I'll be back soon." Sam said to Mariah, she nodded and looked back over to Caspar.

I walked down the stairs and Sam followed behind me quickly, I moved out of the way allowing him to enter my room.

I shut the door behind me as Sam awkwardly stood there, a small smile was plastered on his face waiting for me to show him something.

"Can I talk to you?" I asked.

"I knew you wanted to talk about something so shoot." Sam said taking a seat on my bed.

"It's about Kasey, she is dating her ex and I just blew up in front of her and I don't know why." I sighed.

"Joe have you had any sexual intention with Kasey." Sam asked.

"Yeah we well were or are friends with benefits." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Joe when you and Kasey had sex how did you feel?" Sam asked.

"That I loved her." Then it hit me.

"I love Kasey." I whispered.

"Joe, I think you should tell her." Sam suggested.

"But Kasey doesn't do relationships or anything like that, she hates the idea of love and I don't wanna lose our friendship." I said.

"Then keep it to yourself till you know for sure she feels the same way." Sam smiled.

"But I have never kept something from Kasey." I sighed.

"True." Sam said.

" She will know in a heart beat that something is up, this is Kasey we are talking about here and she is a ninja in disguise sometimes." I chuckled.

"Mate trust me Kasey won't know unless you say something." Sam said.

"Yeah but-" I started off until Mariah cam bursting in the door, she rested her hand on her hip and one on the door knob trying to catch her breath.

"Guys, Kasey is missing." Mariah said once she caught her breath.

"Who said she is missing?" I asked.

"Grace, she said she left with her suitcase." She sighed.

I walk pass Mariah and run up the stairs seeing Caspar talking to Grace.

"I think I know where she went." I said.

"Where?" They all asked in unison.

*Kasey's POV *

I was never good at talking about my problems, I think I got that from my mum's side of the family.

Even the people I trust so much, I can't talk to them about my problems.

Everyone wants me to be the happy person, the person with all the answers and I just don't have the answers too.

Everyone wants answered it my advice on their problems and I just need to get away for a couple of days.

"Next stop Brighton." The speaker muffled.

I let out a sigh and stood up from my seat and picked up my bag, as the train came to a stop I waited for the doors to open and allow me to exit.

Once the doors opened I walked onto the platform seeing Zoe waiting for me. Zoe's eyes lit up and a bright smile was upon her face.

"Kasey!" She exclaimed.

"Hey Zoe, thanks once again for letting me stay on such short notice." I sighed pulling her in for an embrace.

"Any time Kasey, what's been happening with you lately?" She asked as we walked towards the car park.

"I have a lot to fill you in on."I chuckled.


Well Kasey decided to run from her problems and went to Zoe?
Can Zoe help Kasey?
Or will Zoe not be able to help at all?
Will Joe ever confess to Kasey that he loves her?

All these questions but with no answers!
The book around!
Izzy and Phoenix

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