Chapter 10- LA

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*Kasey's POV*

Okay,  that should  be everything, I zipped up my suitcase and placed it near my front door.

I have one last check around the flat to make sure the power was shut off and all the windows and doors were locked.

I picked up my bag and slipped on my converse and shut my door behind me, I walked to the small black car and took my seat.

"Airport please." I said to the driver.

He nodded and drove onto the main road, I looked out the cold and busy city of London. I never thought it was that packed but I guess I was wrong.

I am glad that I am getting away for the weekend, I mean I might go see Tyler! I miss him so much, he is my queen.

Last time I saw him was about a year ago, we filmed a video on how to make an rainbow cake.

"That will be fifteen Euro miss." The driver sighed.

I passed him the money and grabbed my bag as I pulled the door shut behind me.

I trudged my suitcase along behind me as the large glass doors opened allowing my entrance to the busy airport.

I walked up to the check in bay and placed my bag on the scale and got my plane ticket, It's going to be a long flight.

I picked up my bag and walked out of the line down the security, I joined the long cue of people waiting to go through the security.

Everyone looks tired, drained and it looks like there is no emotion in their souls. Scaring me a bit to be honest, but it is six thirty in the morning.

As the line slowly progresses in the line I pick up a blue container and place my bag in it and push it along.

Once I finally got through security, I walked around to the members lounge. I took one of the empty booths and pulled my macbook out of my  bag and replied to a few emails.

"Would you like anything miss?" A lady asked.

"Yeah can I get a English breakfast tea and a English breakfast?" I asked with a small smile.

"Coming right up." The girl said with a small smile.

I mumbled a thank you as I began editing my main channel video.

After I had my tea and breakfast I got up and walked towards the gate I had to depart from.

I gave my boarding pass to the lady at the front of the gate and she scanned my pass and she smiled.

"Thank you." I smiled.

"No worries, enjoy your flight." She smiled as I walked down the terminal.

A few long hours later

Finally off that plane! It felt like hours, I had to sit next to a baby and his mother I knew from that moment it would be the longest eight hours.

I picked up my suitcase from baggage claim and walked out into the warm LA sun.

"Taxi!" I exclaimed, a bright yellow taxi pulled up to the side of the road as a smile cane upon the mans face.

"Hey, can you take me to this hotel?" I asked passing him the piece of paper.

"Sure thing, jump in." He said as I placed my bag in the boot and quickly went to my seat.

The taxi driver pulled out of the side of the road and exited the airport with ease.

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