Chapter 5- Relationships

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*Kasey's POV*

What the fuck happen to me last night, I sit up in bed seeing the sun beaming through my curtains. I put my hair up into a messy bun and stand up from my bed.

I walk towards the window pulling the curtains open.

"Kasey shut them!" Someone groaned.

I let out a scream and pick up my little ruffle pillow and begin waking the person with it.

"Kasey stop it's Riah." She shouted holding her hands up in defeat.

"What the brimming hell are you doing in my bed?" I asked sitting down on the white fluffy sheets.

"I actually have no idea." She chuckled.

"Well, um okay then where is Sam?" I asked.

"I think he passed put upstairs." She said getting off the bed.

We both walked out of my room seeing Sam laying on my sofa with his mouth slightly open, he had a pink feather scarf around him with large glasses shaped like stars. His blonde hair ruffled in the most messy way.

"Wow." I chuckled to myself.

"I wonder why.." Riah trailed off.

"What shall we get for breakfast?" I asked.

"Pancakes?" She suggested.

"We can make a video out of this!" I exclaimed.

"No it's to early." Riah groaned.

"Alright." I said.

I walked over to the cupboard and grabbed the flour and sugar, then to the fridge for the milk, eggs and butter.

"I'll make these, you go wake up Sam." Riah said.

"Alright." I grinned.

I ran down stairs grabbing my air horn from my cupboard. I slowly walked up the stairs and sneaked behind the sofa.

I knelled behind the sofa placing the air horn near his ear, soft snores escaped his nose and his arm draped over the other side of him.




I pressed down on the horn and the loud noise rang through the whole flat, Riah screamed and started laughing as Sam wasn't so pleasant.

"What the hell man." He groaned.

"Sorry, but you looked so peaceful. " I said with a smile.

"So what happen to you babe, have a trip to Las Vegas?" Riah chuckled as Sam walked over to the kitchen bench picking up a plate of pancakes.

"Haha, you're funny aren't you." He said sarcastically.

"No, Joe had this idea of dressing up and he gave me this." Sam sighed.

"Wow." I chuckled.

"Kasey what even happen to you and Joe at the park last night." Riah asked.

"We almost kissed but then you came." I said.

"Oh shit, sorry." Riah gasped.

"It's fine." I shrugged.

I looked at the clock and saw it was past eleven. Shit, I need to go to the office and get stuff done.

"Guys I have to go to the office." I groaned running down the stairs.

I grabbed my black jeans and red flannelette shirt, I got my white scarf and put on my brown lace up ankle boots.

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