Chapter 21- The Big Masquerade Ball Part 1

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*Kasey's POV*

"Kasey, get your lazy butt off the bed and look at this!" Grace exclaimed.

I sat up in my bed seeing Grace jumping around on it.

Her bright smile filled the room with her little giggles of laughter as her eyes locked with a small piece of paper in her hand.

"It better be good because it isn't even midday and I am awake." I said rubbing my eyes.

"Dear Miss Clark and Miss Britt, you have been invited to attend a masquerade ball at Buckingham Palace along with fellow YouTube stars and friends. Sincerely, YouTube." Grace screamed excitedly.

"So this means I have to wear a dress?" I sighed.

"Come on Kasey, this will be so much fun!" Grace exclaimed.

"Yeah but.." I trailed off.

"Plus you would see Joe in a suit and tie." Grace said wiggling her eyebrows.

"Joe is just my friend." I shrugged off grace and pushed off the covers.

"Yeah and I call bull shit on that, but nothing I can do." She sighed.

"But we also got these packages that came with the letter with both our names on it." Grace said passing me large box with my name on it.

I pulled off the tape and pushed away the lid of the box.

Oh my god.

I pulled out the navy blue ball gown that was covered in crystals and had a Cinderella like bottom. 

My eyes glued to the beautiful dress in front of me as grace screamed in excitement as she pulled out her dress.

Grace held her maroon dress to her chest and twirled around the room with it.

"They also came with shoes and a matching mask." I chuckled living up my black heels and black lace mask.

I may not seem like the girly type but time after time I am. 

"Alright well I'm going to shower." I smiled.

"Okay I'll see you soon." Grace shouted walking out of my room.

I walked into my bathroom and stripped out of my clothes. I turned on the taps and waited for the water to get nice and warm.

I stepped into the shower grabbing my shampoo and conditioner, I ran the shampoo through my hair giving it a massage with it and quickly rinsed it out.

I wonder who Joe is going with, Ashley wouldn't be going because she isn't a YouTuber.

Thank god she isn't, other wise I would of shot her to be fair.

What bugs me is I still haven't worked out where I've seen her before.

I got a feeling she is an old friend from primary school or something but it doesn't sound right to me.

I turned off the taps and walked out of the shower grabbing my white fluffy towel. I quickly wrapped my body around it and walked back to my room.

I ran my fingers through my long brown wet hair as I moved my towel off my body and wrapped my hair in it.

I picked up my black underwear and black strapless bra and put them on. I grab my robe and wrap my small body around it.

I grabbed my make up box I never use and walked back into the bathroom seeing Grace standing there doing her make up.

"Hello butter cup." Grace said as she finished putting on her lipstick.

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