Chapter Two : "Protective Measures"

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 I might be the happiest man alive right now, I have my baby right there. I do feel a bit guilty that I wanted it to him to be aborted but just by looking at his face right now, it has already given me hope ... hope that everything will return to normal someday ... if not normal, the closest to normal we can get. It also just dawned on me that I have my own family now ... I must be stronger , I must be a better person to prove to them that I can handle a responsibility like this.

 "Ben?" I turned around and saw Dad, Hal and Matt right at the door, smiling at me. "Hey" I replied and showed them Charlie. "He's so cute!" Matt said in delight as he ran towards us, I looked back at Allison and she's smiling so much. I smiled back and she started crying tears of joy ... again.

 "So what's his name?" Dad asked.

 "Charlie ... Charlie Mason" I replied and then he smiled and said "Well he looks a lot like you, I can't believe I have a grandson now ... Anne, do I look that old?" he asked Anne who just came back to the clinic.

 "You're an old guy" Hal uttered and we all laughed at the remark. It's true, Dad's getting old ... he even have a couple of gray hairs now.

 "How are you Allison?" Dad then asked her.

 "I'm good., Thank you ... sir" she replied.

 "Oh you don't have to call me 'Sir' .. you can call me 'Tom' or if you want .. you can call me 'Dad'. You're a part of the family anyways" he said and so she smiled.

 "I think I prefer Tom. It woulds be weird to call the father of my boyfriend 'Dad' "

 "I figured" Dad replied and then walked away to talk to Anne.

 "So Ben , you're a father huh? You're even faster than me. I always thought you're gonna be a virgin till marriage" Hal said and then gave me a pat on the head. "You're seriously talking about that when Matt is around?" I asked and then laughed a bit.

 "Oh right" he replied and then walked away. I'm happy that Hal finally forgave me for the thing with Karen but he's still distant. He and I never had a concrete relationship ever since we're kids ... I'm the one who's supposed to be the exact opposite of Hal, and he's the one who's supposed to be getting on my nerves all the time.

 "Can I hold him?" Matt asked.

 "Sure. Just sit here beside me" I said and so he did. I looked at Allison and she nodded. "Be careful okay' I told Matt as I laid Charlie on his arms. He's happy knowing that he's holding his first nephew. I looked at Charlie and he's smiling at Matt.

 "He is a one happy baby" Matt stated.

 "Yeah he is" I said.

 Suddenly, Denny and the new Rebel leader came in looking worried. "What's wrong?" Dad asked them. Then the Rebel Skitter established a connection with Denny so that  he could talk with us. " Our spy in the Espheni rank just relayed a horrifying news" he said.

 "What is it?" I asked.

 "Karen and the other Overlords knew that today's the day Allison will give birth. They have expressed their great interest towards the baby. Karen decided that she will come for your child. Ben, make sure your baby and Allison is safe. Karen's coming for all of you"

 "Oh God" Anne said.


Allison's P.O.V

 "Why are they taking such a huge interest at my baby?" I asked the Rebel Leader. I can't believe we're heading to another fight. I won't let Karen or anyone take Charlie or Ben away from me. I'm gonna protect my family.

 "I'm afraid it's justifying our theory that the baby is connected to them" he replied. My heart sunk, I held on Ben's hand and he gripped it tighter. "We'll get through this" he whispered. "So when is she coming?" he then asked the Skitter leader.

 "We don't know yet. But we advised that you should tighten up the security. If our theory is correct, Karen will not stop at nothing to get your baby"

 "What are we gonna do now Ben?" I asked him.

 "We'll protect Charlie ... even with our own lives" he replied. Matt then gave me Charlie and I held him close to me. "We're not gonna let anyone hurt you" I said and kissed his forehead. After a few more minutes, they all went out to talk about improving the security ... leaving me and Anne at the clinic.

 "Are you nervous?" she asked me while putting a diaper on Charlie.

 "Yeah of course. I've given Karen a lot of reasons to hate me. I don't know if I could defend myself and Charlie right at thie moment. I guess I should keep a gun right under my pillow" I replied. My body still hurts, thankfully the delivery of Charlie is just normal that means I'll be able to get back to normal as soon as possible.

 I still have to go to Dr. Roberts though to have a check up. My heart condition had been easy easy on me these past few months .. I wonder if it's still there.

 "Allison .. can you keep a secret?" Anne then asked.

 "Of course" I replied.

 "I'm pregnant" she whispered but in an excited way.

 "No way"

 "Yes way" she said.

 "How many months?"


 "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

 "Because I'm not sure yet" she replied. Wow, Anne's also pregnant ... I'm sure everyone's gonna be excited for that.  After a few more moments, she laid Charlie right beside me and then left the room. I held him close and fell asleep.

 But after about a few more minutes or so, I heard a loud bang. I woke up to the noise and saw that the door is closed ... maybe it's just the wind.

 "Hello Allison" I looked at the corner of the room and saw Karen. "Oh My God" I thought to myself and then started screaming.


 "The patrol duty will double up?" I asked Dad while we're walking back to the clinic. "Yes. I think it's important to make sure that Karen won't get anywhere near the camp" he answered.

 Suddenly, I heard Allison screaming. "What the ...?" I thought to myself and ran as fast as I could towards there. Pushing everyone that's on my way aside. "Allison!" I shouted. As soon as I got to her side of the clinic. I saw a terrified Allison holding on to Charlie for dear life.

 "What happened?" I asked and then held them both.

 "Karen ... she's just here" she replied. "Dad, guard her please" I told him and then ran outside. I'm feeling really stupid. I should have sensed her. But she's just around .. I can still feel her slightly. I ran as fast as I could towards the outer grounds.

 "What's going on Ben?" Maggie asked. I looked at the forest nearby and saw Karen standing behind a tree ..  smiling.

 "Karen!" I shouted and then she started running.


 That's it for this chapter guys ^.^ Please tell me what you think. I know the story is a bit slow but I'm doing it on purpose ... as to more great things will happen very soon ... No need to rush :)

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