Chapter Thirty Seven : "Absence"

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Allison's P.O.V

 "How can he be alive? His heartbeat stopped" I asked Cochise after he said that ridiculous claim. "His heartbeat never stopped, it was just too weak even for us to hear. Karen dipped the blade on poison that comes from a rare flower. We don't know what it does the victim but it an efficient alternative to fake death" he replied.

 "That doesn't make sense at all" I replied and almost rolled my eyes at him.

 "Allison I'm sure there's a rational explanation to it" Anne uttered as she walked into the room. "Then what is it? If he's not dead then what plan do they have for him?" I asked her and she turned speechless.

 "I don't  know about you guys but I'm going to find him" I said afterwards then started heading for the door only to be stopped by Tom who told me to wait for the night fall. "Why?" I asked him.

 "A group of skitters were spotted a couple of miles away from here. You have a better chance of slipping through when it's dark"

 "But I can take them on"

 "Yes, but what if someone hits you at the back?. Allison, you can only attack what you see. If you can't see them then you're vulnerable"

 "What difference does it make at night?"

 "We'll be a lot safer .. we'll have more cover"

 "What about Ben?" I asked as tears started coming out, Anne came quickly to my side and hugged me. I just found out that my dead husband is actually alive, I'm sure she understands.

 "Don't think that this is not hard for me, because it is. God knows how much I wanna go out there and find my sons but I can't. I have to make sure that everyone I leave behind is safe. I have to make sure that everyone is still alive when I come back"

 I almost forgot, he is still the President.

 "I'm sorry" I replied and then ran out where I saw Charlie coming towards me. I hugged him tightly as tears started falling from my eyes.

 "What's wrong?" he asked.

 "I just miss your Dad"

 "Don't worry, he's fine"

 "He's not fine honey"

 "He is fine. Trust me" I looked at Charlie and he smiled after saying those words. "Do you know where he is?" I asked.

 "Nope. But we will be reunited with him soon. And we'll be happy" I just smiled and hugged him again. I hope to God he's right.


Hal's P.O.V

 "Let me out! Let me out!" I yelled over and over again as I kept on trying to free myself from the chains. I'm in a harnessing factory and it scares the fuck out of me , what if they harness me? what if they'll try to control me?.

 The door opened and my jaw literally fell when I saw Maggie with two skitters walking towards me. "Are you surprised? You never suspected those who are closest to you , who would have thought that future Mrs. Mason is actually a spy" she uttered and then smiled the same way as Karen did.

  "No .. you're not Maggie. You're not Maggie!"

 "I am Maggie. Hal, let me give you a preview of the coming events. Ben will be one of us and he will kill the rest of your family. You will never see Matt again, yes I also have him. Do you realize what Tom will do just to see all of his precious sons again? He'll give up the fight for you and your brothers. I'll make sure that every single human who opposes the Espheni will die, and that includes you"

 "That will never happen"

 "We'll see" she replied and started walking away.

 "No! Fuck You!" I kept on yelling until she slammed the door shut. Two skitters then came out of the darkness , were they here the whole time. They unbuckled me from the chains and I fell on the cold hard floor. I tried to stand up but I was hit hard on the back.

 I am starting to black out, I can't fight anymore.

 "I'm sorry Dad" that's all I managed to say before going unconscious.


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