Chapter Eighteen : "Whack a' mole"

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 Dad and I rushed to the badlands to see what's going on, but the sea of people running towards the building just made it a lot harder. I was waiting for beamers to come in, or mini planes that will drop bombs but nothing happened .. just those two explosions.

 "What is going on in here?" Dad asked Anthony and Tector who were searching the area. "We don't know, but someone set off man made explosions in here" Anthony replied while holding what it seemed like a part of the bombshell.

 "Damn it! We're already going through a hard time and this bastard has nothing better to do" Tector added just as Pope walked towards us.

 "The bomb was never meant to hurt anyone ... whoever did this, wants to scare the crap out of us" he said, looking at Dad.

 "Why is that Pope?" he asked him.

 "Ain't it obvious? If they wanna bomb us, they would just plant it near the building. In which case, they didn't. That's why you and I and your freaky son is still breathing" he replied. I started clenching my fist but Dad whispered "No".

 Pope was about to talk rubbish again when we heard someone screaming towards us. I turned around and saw Matt running as fast as he could.

 "What happened Matt?" Dad asked him.

 "It's Gen. Bressler ... he's dead" he replied.

 "Crap" I thought to myself as we started sprinting towards the building. Gen. Bressler's assignment is to find the mole, he may have gotten close to finding out that's why he's killed.

 As soon as we got inside, everyone's just looking at me like I did something wrong. "What's going on?" I asked Anne and she pointed at the wall.

 "What the hell? I uttered as soon as I saw what's written on the wall. It says "Welcome Home Ben". I looked at Dad and saw that he's horrified. I am too, but what am I supposed to do?.

 "Matt, accompany Ben to his room ... now" Dad said and then Matt pushed me outside.

 "I wanna stay" I told him but he insisted that it's better if I just leave with him . "Do you know who did that Ben?" Matt asked the minute he closed the door behind him.

 "No" I said. Looking around in this room where Allison and Charlie used to be is just heartbreaking. It's been weeks since I last saw them, and it just hurts more and more everyday.


Allison's P.O.V

 The rebel skitter guides me all around. I think he's waiting for the Overlords to come back. I'm still terrified of them, I don't even know if I'll be able to pull it off.  I told the rebel skitter to use this moment as a chance for me to escape but he said Karen is still in the tower, she'll sense my every move.

 "When can I leave?" I asked the skitter once we were left alone in a room.

 "I'll try to find your son. Give me 2 days" he replied. Suddenly, the door opened. I started acting as still as possible. It's Karen who walked in.

 "How is she?" he asked the skitter. It nodded and then she smiled. A few seconds later, she walked towards me .. so close I can feel her breath.

 "Tomorrow, you're going to work " she uttered and the marched out of the room. "They're sending me outside?" I asked the skitter.

 "Unfortunately, yes. You'll be undergoing a series of tests. But don't worry, I'll do my best to find an escape for you" the skitter assured. My heart is beating fast .. what's gonna happen?


 The stress and anxiety of the incident took a masive toll on me over the course of few hours. It definitely came to a point where I just can't take it anymore.

 As soon as Matt left my room, I started packing things. But it was not easy, as every single thing that reminds me of either Allison or Charlie brings a tear to my eyes.

 I slowly opened the door to my room and looked outside, no one's in the hallway. I walked out quietly and started walking as fast as I could towards the back exit. Just like that, I was out of the building and still out of anyone's view.

 I decided to continue, I have to find my family ... I have to find Allison and Charlie, I will not be able to survive another day without them.

 The only source of light that I have is a small flashlight that I snatched from our drawer. I turned around, and the back exit is getting smaller and smaller. "Sorry Dad" I whispered and continued to walk away. That is until something scary happened.

 "Where are you going Ben?" someone asked. I looked at my side and the voice spoke again. Asking me the same question. The voice itself is familiar but I'm really not sure of it yet.

 "Who's there? Show yourself?" I asked the mysterious presence. Suddenly, I heard the small branches on the forest floor crack . I can finally see a figure, it is a kid.

 The faint light of the moon showed it's face, much to my horror. It's someone that's already been dead for more than a year.

 "Cody?" I asked, looking at his enraged face.


 That's it for this chapter guys :)) what do you think Cody's role will be? stay tuuuned

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