Chapter Seventeen: "Double Meaning"

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 Everyone's jaws fell open when I got slapped by Dad. I saw Matt and Hal standing behind him, just watching. "How dare you leave again without saying goodbye?" he asked. "My family is in danger" I uttered.

 "Come to my office. NOW" he ordered and then walked away from me.

 Natalie held my arm but I told her that it's okay. Hal and Matt went inside and followed Dad. I was about to follow them when I heard Pope say something really rubbish. "That's it everyone for the new episode of 'Keeping Up With The Masons" !! he announced.

 I will not settle for his unwanted and very rude attitude that's why I picked up the nearest rock and threw it at his direction. It went straight to the wall and formed a slight hole. "Next time, it's on your face" I told him and then he just glared at me and walked away.

 A few minutes later, Natalie and I reached Dad's office. As expected, it's filled with people dying to know what happened.

 "Who is she?" Matt asked while looking at Natalie.

 "My name is Natalie Rivers.  I'm a part of the Australian Resistance Group. I reached this place boarding the plane of the lady who told us about Charleston. Our leader sent me to check it out but unfortunately, on our way here we were shot down. The lady is dead , I walked countless miles and trusted my instincts, that is until I saw your son" Natalie explained sternly.

 "Australian Resistance Group?" Col. Weaver asked her.

 "Yes. Just like you folks. Australian survivors are actually quite numerous. We hide in forests and mountains"

 "So now that you're here. What's your plan?" Dad asked her.

 "I wanna know if you have frequency radios. I can use that to communicate to them"

 "I'm sure we can work something out" Dad replied to her.

 "Dad .. I came back for an urgent reason" I uttered.

 "What happened to Allison and Charlie?" Matt asked.

 "We .. Allison and I were looking for him. We got chased by Karen and when I was knocked out, she took her" I said and then turned to Dad.

 "President Hathaway is alive" I told him and everyone in the room kind of reacted.

 "What the ?" Col. Weaver asked while Ms. Peralta demanded more information. "He and his remaining army groups found right after Karen left with Allison. They took me in, I told them about this place. They said they already know about Charleston ... and"

 "and what?" Hal asked.

 "and that we're conspiring with the Aliens" I said, looking at Dad.

 "Have you mentioned that they're rebels?" he asked.

 "Yes, but they didn't believed me. In fact, they're launching an attack at us" I said.

 "That's impossible! He will never do that!" Ms. Peralta complained.

 "Lots of things happened Ms. Peralta, people can change. All we can do is prepare for what's gonna happen" Dad told her and she didn't said anything afterwards.

 "Is it true Ben?? Everything?" he then asked me.

 "Of course, I wouldn't go back here yet if it wasn't important"

 "When is the attack?" Maggie then asked me.

 "2 days from now" I replied and they exchanged looks. Dad got up and told me to go outside with him, because we'll talk. I agreed and left Natalie with Lourdes, she'll lead her to Denny and the rebel skitters.


Allison's P.O.V

 I inhaled a lot of air as soon as I opened my eyes. Panting, I tried to sit but I can't. And then it dawned on me, I feel something heavy in my back. I am harnessed.

 A tear quickly fell out of my eyes. I wiped it off only to realize something wrong, if I'm harnessed I should not be able to move on my free will. "What the hell?" I thought to myself after I realized that the harness don't work on me. If I'll be able to pull this off, I might gain their trust. I can find Charlie and escape this hell.

 The door opened and I saw Karen walked in, I laid as still as possible. I have to act as if I'm harnessed even though I'm not. 

 A skitter went to my side and removed the locks. "Sit up" it whispered, I can understand Skitter language - or at least I think I can - . I slowly did and looked straight to Karen. She seems suspicious but thankfully she smiled and said "Finally". A few moments later .. she left, leaving me and the skitter in the room. 

 "I know you're not connected" I turned to the Skitter and it's looking at me. The damn skitter is using telepathy to talk to me.

 "Are you gonna tell them?"

 "No. I'm one of the rebels" it said. I managed to smile a him , now that I know there's a rebel skitter in here ... the hope of getting out alive becomes bigger.


 "Ben, I pulled you out of that room to tell you something" Dad whispered as we're walking on the empty hallway.

 "What is it?"

 "Just a day after you and Allison left, we found a Volm gun under your bed" he said and I just froze. That's the weapon they were looking for.

 "How did it get there?" I asked him.

 "I don't know. Me, Weaver and Cochise decided to keep it a secret for now. You and Allison are suspects to Espionage" he uttered

 "Dad you know we can't do that" I explained, heart beating fast.

 "I know" he replied and then sighed. Suddenly, we heard screaming and commotions from outside.

He and I ran to see what's happening.

 The moment we both stepped foot on the ground, a loud explosion erupted from the badlands. "We're under attack!" a soldier shouted and everyone started running in all directions. "What the hell is going on now?" I thought to myself as another explosion happened. 


That's it guys :) "Whack a' mole" will be the next chapter :D

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