Chapter Twenty Four: "New Weapon"

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Allison's P.O.V

 My heart broke even more after seeing the huge wreckage that is the Charleston camp. "The mole did this?" I asked Ben. "I think so, now let's go to the Skitter Camp" he uttered and then grabbed my arm as we walked out again and entered the Skitter Camp under the bridge.

 "Ben! You're back" I saw Denny yell once she saw the three of us. "Woah" he uttered once she saw me, I'm still harnessed after all. I looked around and saw alarmed faces of deharnessed kids surrounding us. "It's okay ... it doesn't affect her" Natalie said, still amazed as to how I'm immune to some of the effects of the harness.

 "Is that true Ben?" Denny asked him and then he nodded.

 "Yes it is" I said and then made an awkward smile just to assure them that it's really me and not someone or something else.

 "How is that possible?" she asked.

 "It's because she's a hybrid. Her mind is too strong to be controlled" We all looked behind and Denny and one deharnessed kid walked upon us. His spikes are glowing which means the Rebel Leader is talking through him.

 "How is that possible? he's born human" Ben uttered.

 "When you two have mated, your Alien DNA was transferred to her. It caused a reaction in her body and it multiplied. She's already a hybrid even before she got harnessed. That's the reason why she was able to move things with her mind when she was pregnant" he replied. I looked at Ben, confused as to what I really am.

 "So you're saying she's not human?" Natalie asked.

 "She is, but just like all of you ... she's hybrid. She has Alien DNA in her, but Allison is a bit different ... the DNA was transferred to her by another host. It wasn't given by a harness"

 "So you're saying I infected her?" Ben asked, with his voice raised a bit.

 "I'm sorry but it seems like that's right" the leader replied. Ben just nodded, I guess he's gonna blame himself again.

 "Ben it's okay" I said and then he uttered "No It's not". A few minutes later, he left me in the Skitter Camp to go to his Dad and ask about what happened.


 I can't believe I brought this down to her, the Rebel Leader is right ... I infected her. "Dad!" I yelled as I saw him talking to Maggie and Hal.

 "Ben?" he asked and then ran towards me. I hugged him tight and asked him what happened here in Charleston Camp. "The mole attacked" he uttered with defeated voice. "I've only been gone for a few hours" I said.

 "That's more than enough time for her to do that" Hal said.

 "You know who's the mole?" I asked Hal and then looked at Dad who nodded.

 "It's Lourdes" Maggie uttered. My heart dropped, I saw her last night ... I knew there's something wrong about her but I didn't took it seriously. That means, she's also the figure I saw in the woods. "Holy Crap" I thought to myself.

 "Where is she now?" I asked.

 "She escaped" Maggie said as she loaded her gun, kind of a simple way of saying "We're gonna hunt her down".

 "What are you doing here anyway Ben? Where's Natalie?" Dad asked.

 "We got Allison back" I said, much to their happiness.

 "Where is she?" Hal asked. 

 "She's at the Skitter Camp. Dad, Karen practically brought her to us"


 "In exchange of an information"

 "What information?"

 "The Volm Weapon" I uttered.

 "Did she get any?"

 "No" I replied even though I know she got something. "Dad ... Allison's different" I uttered. "Why?" he then asked. 

 "Just come with me" I said and then we walked back to the Skitter Camp.


Allison's P.O.V

 "I also learned a lot of their plans. I can relay them to you if you want" I told Denny and then she smiled and nodded.

 "Allison? .. woah" I turned around and saw Hal standing, shocked. Maggie, Ben and Tom followed in. I saw the surprised reaction that they have ... that made me wonder if it's good or not.

 "Hello" I said.

 "You can talk?" Maggie asked.

 "Yeah" I said and then she smiled as she walked in.

 "You're not connected to them?" Hal asked.

 "I don't know yet. That's why I would love it if my harness is removed" I uttered. Tom then walked towards me and hugged me tightly.

 "We're gonna get that off of you okay? Where's Charlie?" he then asked. My mood changed a bit, I still don't have my son with me.

 "He's still there. But don't worry, he's alive" I said and then tried my best to smile.

 "How can you be sure that they can't see everything that you're doing? What if you're a walking spy camera?" Hal then asked, casting doubt in everyone's mind. "Hal ... please" Ben uttered.

 "I'm just saying Ben. We can't be so sure, after what just happened" he said. I think Tom agreed with him. "I'm willing to be locked down if that is what it takes" I said.

 "Wait .. we'll fix this okay?. I'll call Anne and ask her to help you. How did you escaped Karen anyway? According Ben, he didn't gave them any information about the Volm Weapon?"

 "I took the opportunity to break out. There's three of us in there versus Karen and two Skitters" I uttered. Suddenly, my head started to hurt so bad. I screamed in pain, Tom caught me before I fell down to the ground. Ben rushed to my side and asked me what's happening.

 "I don't know" I uttered, my vision is starting to blur an dthat's what scares me the most. The last time it happened is when I'm still pregnant. I closed my eyes for a few moments and when I opened it again ... all the rocks around us started floating in the air , then the car on the side started levitating too.

 "Holy Crap what's happening?" Hal asked.

 "She has telekinesis" The Rebel Leader said through Denny. A few seconds after that, I blacked out.

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