Chapter Six : "Apparitions & Strange Feelings"

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Allison's P.O.V

 "So how's the mission?" I asked Ben as soon as he got back to our room. "It's good .. we did it, but the mission itself have been compromised. The plan is concrete and it had a 0% casualty rate. But someone died, we were caught off guard by mega Mechs hiding under mounds of dirt" he replied as he carried Charlie in his arms.

 "Compromised? Someone informed them?"

 "Maybe .. or they have upgraded their security system. Either way, we were caught off guard" Ben replied and then pulled me closer to them. I closed my eyes and imagined myself, Ben and Charlie living somewhere else ... a place where there's no aliens or wars .. a place where everything is fine ... a place where we could live as a normal family.

 I looked at Ben and he's smiling down on me, I smiled back. My heart is beating fast, I don't know if I should show him the DNA result or not, Karen have already mentioned a few times before that the baby is not normal ... I should have just believed her.

 "Is everything alright?" Ben asked.

 "Oh Crap .. this is it" I thought to myself and said "Of course".

 "I told Dad that I'll be taking a break from missions to be with you and Charlie"

 "Really?" I asked in delight.

 "Yeah .. I can't let my soon to be wife and my son be alone can I?" he asked so I kissed him. Ben and I barely had enough time for each other ever since I got pregnant with Charlie. And it's definitely a nice feeling to know that he'll be here with us .. that our family will be complete.

 "So how long are you gonna be in a break?"

 "2 weeks or so"

 "That's great" I replied and then he kissed Charlie's forehead. A few minutes later, he laid Charlie on his crib and then we both sat on the bed .. just cuddling each other.

 "So .. finally there's no guards outside" he whispered.

 "Yeah, why?"

 "We can finally do what we do best" he replied and then winked. I just smiled at the thought, of course I want to be intimate with him but we have to be extra careful ... it's not like condoms are still available.

 "Shut up Ben" I said and he just laughed.

 "I'm just kidding. I'll go get us some food .. what do you want?"

 "Anything delicious"

 "Alright then" he replied and left the room. I can't remove the smile from my face, it's nice to have him here again. I looked at Charlie and he's still sleeping. I turned to the door and saw the silhouette once again. I rushed to open the door but for the second time, it just disappeared .. vanished to thin air.

 I saw Lourdes walking towards me so I asked her if she saw anyone.

 "Nope .. why?" she asked.

 "Uh .. nothing" I said and then closed the door .. Lourdes then walked by but I didn't see any shadow. What's causing the silhouette?. Then I noticed near Charlie's crib. I turned around but there's no one. I picked him up and held him close to me.

 I kept looking around and I saw the silhouette on the corner, and tehn it moved to the ceiling .. slowly making it's way to us. I am slowly moving to the dorm ready to run out if it charges at us.

 "We're gonna be okay" I whispered to Charlie as he started crying. I looked back and saw the silhouette is gone and then I felt a hand on my shoulder. I screamed and then turned around only to see that it's Ben.

 "Hey what happened?"

 "There's something in here" I said and then turned around, "It's just in here" I told him as he too, started looking.

 "There's nothing in here ... what did you saw?"

 "Silhouette ..."

 "A shadow?"

 "Yes" I replied.

 "Are you sure?"

 "Yes Ben I am .. Please can we just transfer rooms? I don't feel safe in here anymore" I said to him. A few moments later, we left the room and headed for Tom's office.

 "Dad .. we have a situation" he told him and they both went out of the room to talk a bit. I know Ben doesn't believe me fully, but I know what I saw ... I'm sure of it.


 "A silhouette?" Dad asked in disbelief, I think it would have made more sense if it's a skitter or Karen .. a shadow is a little bit Halloween.

 "Yes .. what should we do Dad? She's genuinely scared"

 "The room next to Anne and Mine is empty .. you can stay there" he replied and so we went back to the office. I told Allison and she seemed happy about it.

 "Great, I'll start moving our things" I uttered and left them in the office to have some "Father-in-law" bonding. I walked back to our room and started packing up our things, shadow? seriously?. It's not that I'm doubting Allison, it's just that she went through so much stress lately that I think she haven't fully recovered yet.

 I lifted the pillows first and a piece of paper fell down, I picked it up and then opened it. "Name of Specimen : Charlie Scott-Mason" that's what the header say. I started reading it and realized it's a DNA result.

 I read the last remarks and it said that the DNA is a hybrid one which means it is a combination of something else. I know Charlie's not human, I can feel his power from several feet for God's sake. But why is there a DNA result in our room? Did Allison have Charlie tested? And why is she not telling me about this?

 I put the paper to my pocket and continued moving our things when I felt another presence in the room.

 "I know someone else is in here, show yourself" I said but nothing is happening. I proceeded to lock the door and then just sat on the bed, waiting for someone to speak or something to move. But after a few minutes, nothing happened.

 "This is just stupid" I thought to myself and then got out of the room , carrying the pillows and went straight to the new one. As soon as I got in I saw Allison laying Charlie on the bed.

 "Ooops wait, here's the pillow" I said and slipped one right under him. I put the other one on the bed and left the room. Unaware that an eye-worm just came out of Allison's eye.


That's it for this chapter guys ^.^ Intense right ? :) well things are gonna be more exciting next chapter as the eye-worm will start controlling Allison so make sure you read it when it comes up :) Also , Ben's P.O.V will be a lot longer on the next one ... promise :) what do you think? tell me

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