Chapter Three : "In All His Strangeness ..."

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 Allison's P.O.V

 It's been a couple of weeks since that visit from Karen and everything is finally going back to normal. Though the security is improved to be prevent anything like that from happening ever again. Ben decided to go back and help with the missions, well I convinced him to. I don't want him to get confided on just being a father ... we're still in a war .. we still need to fight.

 As for Charlie, he's been pretty different lately. I don't know if it was just hallucination or something, but I kept on hearing constant baby laughter. I even talked to Anne about it and she said it might just be stress. She said that I should give it another week or so.

 I wanted to stay at the Skitter camp right after I was able to walk again but Ben said it's not safe anymore, Tom agreed and he even gave me and Charlie a room. But no matter what I do, I don't feel safe here. Because whenever I go out of the room, I can hear people whispering about me and Ben .. and on how Charlie is not human. I tried to keep them off but sometimes it's definitely hard .. especially when they confront you.

 The result of my tests with Dr. Roberts turned out to be great, he said that it might be gone but I still have to be careful. The answer thus certifies our previous theory that my pregnancy was responsible for my poor health.

 "Allison ... do you wanna eat?" Lourdes asked right after she came into my room.

 "I'm full yet and besides I still need to feed Charlie"


 "Yeah .. he's a one hungry boy" I said and then looked at him. Charlie's smiling and looking at me, his eyes are as green as Ben's and his lips are as sumptuous as his. There's no denying that he's Ben's baby.

 "Okay then .. just page me if you need anything" Lourdes uttered and walked out of the room. I looked at the door and saw that there's still guards. "Thank God" I thought to myself. I kept a couple of guns in here for protection but who knows what will Karen do to get Charlie.

 I have to protect him with all my life. I got up to prepare for his food only to hear him say "Mommy". I turned around and he's still there.. just smiling at me.

 "Did you just talk?" I asked. I instantly felt stupid , Charlie's not even one month old ... of course he won't be able to speak. I just smiled and then continued to prepare the food again.

 "Alright Charlie .. here's your food" I said and then turned on him again only to see an empty bed. "Charlie?!?!" I laid the bowl right on the table and started looking for him. I looked under the bed and he's not there. Where are you?

 I walked at the crib and saw him sleeping peacefully. "Oh My God" I felt my jaw fell down. How did he get here?

 "You are a one strange baby" I whispered and then he opened his eyes.



 I ran as fast as I could to catch up to Karen. I looked back and saw Maggie, Hal and a few other soldiers coming after me. She's just here somewhere. "Karen!" I shouted but to response. I kept on running and running until I reached a part of the forest where I can see the clear skies.

 "Ben .." I turned around and saw her standing a few feet away from me. I pointed my gun and she just smiled.

 "You're not gonna shoot that"

 "How can you be so sure?"

 "Because you want answers ... and I'm giving them to you"

 "Liar" I said and then fired a shit but she was able to dodge it. Karen immediately made her way up to a tree.

 "Can't you feel that Ben? The undeniable power of your baby?" she asked while looking down on me. "What do you mean?" I asked her.

 "Please ... you can try to deny it but the feeling is too strong. Ben, your baby will play an important part in our endeavors"

 "I won't let you have him"

 "You do realize that I'm not the one who's pulling the strings right?. The Espheni have a precise schedule Ben ... they don't want their time to be wasted. We'll come for him one way or another" she said.

 "I won't let you .. even if it means I have to protect him with all my life"

 "Then you and Allison should be prepared for death. If you're gonna ask me .. I don't want you to die ... but the Overlords do"

 "Go to hell" I uttered and started firing at her again but then she was able to escape quickly. Leaving me on that spot.

**back to present

 "Ben are you okay?" I looked to my side and saw Deni. "Yeah" I replied and the looked at the mining camp through the binoculars.

 This mining camp contains at least 2 dozens of recently harnessed kids. If we can save them , we can also destroy their fuel mine ... therefore preventing Mechs, Mega Mechs and Beamers from getting gas.

 "Look at the sides of that mountain" I told Deni and then pointed at it. "Yeah ... what's with that?" she asked.

 "There's no guard in there .. we can trek that"

 "Good Idea Benji"

 "Stop calling me that. I hate it"

 "No you love it" she uttered and I just sighed. Deni's like the female version of Jimmy, I don't know why but she reminds me a lot of him. I brought out my camera and started taking pictures of the surroundings .. it's essential for our plan of attack.

 We've been doing this for several months now, and with the help of Volm Weapons .. so far they're all successful.

 "Should we return?" Deni asked.

 "Yeah" I replied and then we gathered our stuffs. Deni and I turned around only to face a bunch of skitters and a harnessed kid as medium.

 "Oh Crap" I thought to myself as they attacked.


 That's it for this chapter guys ^.^ . What do you think? Please let me know .. comment comment comment.

  Ben and Allison's wedding is just right around the corner so make sure you read it when it comes up :)

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