Chapter Fifty-Six

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   Final chapter
Kim's POV

We go to Rumple's shop and discuss what's going to happen once Henry and Pan switch back. "I'm sorry that all of this happened. When I gave my heart to Pan, I thought I was a hero." Henry said. I could tell that he was feeling really guilty about everything that happened on Neverland. "It's ok, Henry. It's not your fault. It's Pan's." I say trying to make him feel better. "Ok, Kim. Ready to do the spell?" Rumple says. I nod slowly. Henry lays down on a cot and I put the wand in front of his face. "Ok, Henry. Keep your eyes on the wand." I say as I wave the wand in the pattern I'm supposed to in order to put him in a deep sleep. His eyes follow it for a second. Then he goes to sleep. After a few seconds he starts shaking like crazy. "What's happening?" I ask. "He's just switching bodies with Pan." Rumple said. I nod. He stops shaking and relaxes. "Ok, let's go find Henry." Regina says. All of us follow except for Rumple. "Are you coming?" I ask him. "No, I'm going to have a little talk with my old friend." He says looking at Pan. I nod a catch up to the rest of them. Henry comes running from the clock tower. We switched them back just in time because, I think Pan would've casted the curse from the clock tower. We go towards the middle of the street. The curse suddenly disappears from Regina's hand. Pan comes out of the shop with the scroll in his hand. "He's got the........" Neal try's to say before Pan freezes all of us with his magic. "Curse. Well yes I do." He finishes for Neal. He walks up to me and Henry. I notice that when I was frozen I gripped onto Henry's arm in panic. I guess I did that just in case he was trying to get Henry. "Ummm.... You two are so cute together. It's difficult deciding who to kill first." He said. His eyes flickered on me then Henry over and over again until he made a decision. "You. You first." He said pointing to me. He starts to take out his dagger. I try my hardest to fight the spell he put on us but it's too strong. I try to at least blink, but I can't. All the sudden my fingers star wiggling on Henry's arm. Pan notices and stops in his tracks with dagger in his hand. I feel something inside of me get more powerful and I unfreeze myself. I lunge at Pan, causing him to be thrown off and he jumped back. I form a fire ball in my hands and throw it at him. He ducks and drops his dagger. I put my hand out in front of me pushing him to the ground. I rush and grab his dagger where he dropped it. He got back up and starts using a spell on me. Before he could cast it, I throw the dagger as hard as I can at him. Before he had a chance to catch it, it went into his chest. He drops to the ground. Gasping for air. I stand there in shock of what is happening. He lays down and dies. His body disappears and everyone unfreezes. Mike comes up and hugs me very tightly trying to calm me down. "I...I just killed someone." I say. I realize that I'm shaking out of fear and shock that I just defeated Peter Pan. He lets go of me and everyone else hugs me. I go up to my brother after everyone is done thanking me for killing Pan. "Time to go home?" I ask. He smiles and nods. We say goodbye to everyone and jump into the portal back home.

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