Chapter Sixteen

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Mike's POV
Four hours earlier.....

I sit in my sister's bedroom and look around. I really miss my sister and my parents are very worried. Mom looks like she's hiding something. Mom calls me for dinner and I go downstairs to eat. I spin spaghetti noodles on my fork and look at where Kim is supposed to sit. "The police are still trying to find her." She said. I'm surprised that they're still searching for because,it's been more than two weeks. After dinner I find mom in Kim's room holding a Peter Pan plush doll. She's mumbling things to the doll. She looks at me realizing that I'm there. "Mike,can I ask you something?" She asks me. "Yeah,sure." I say. She pats the space beside her signaling for me to sit down. "When you and your sitar went missing that night, were you in Neverland?" I tried to act like I didn't know what she was talking about. "No, me and Kim went for a walk that night and got lost in the woods." "Tell me the truth." Mom said not buying it at all. "Ok Peter Pan did kidnap us that night." I say. She nods. I nod back, looking down. "Do you think think Kim?" I ask. She nods again. "Do you want me to go retrieve Kim?" I ask. "Yes, do you think you can do it?" She asks. I nod. "I need to tell you something." She starts. "What." I say accidentally interrupting her. "Well, I didn't want to tell you until you were older. But, you're older now. I'm a fairy. I came from Neverland." I'm very shocked my mom is a fairy from Neverland. "Both you and your sister have a unquestionable amount of powers." She finished. "If you're a fairy then can't you you create magic beans to create portals to any realm?" "Yes,I can and I will. So you can get Kim and bring her home."

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