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The boy's pale skin was beginning to bruise the second Calum shut the car door and leaned down to find a pulse.

"Is he unconscious?" Luke had now joined him. Eyes raking over the small boy's bleach blonde hair and all black clothes. It was way too hot to be so densely covered in that color, in Luke's opinion. Calum was in no state of mind to answer just frantically praying that he isn't sued or even worse put all over the news for hitting someone with his car. That'll just get rid of his career completely, which is already hanging by a loose thread.

The blonde boy stirred awake. Eyelashes that lay on his cheeks now fluttering open to reveal emerald green eyes. They seemed too bright for such a pale body. Enticing Calum's brown one's as they made eye contact. The boy being the first to speak with a strained groan. Luke and Calum watching the boy try to stand but fail, weak arms trembling as he huddled over and coughed up an unhealthy amount of blood.

"He needs a doctor." Luke levered himself to get the petite boy back up and onto two feet, his height making him feel towered by the two boys. He only knew one of them, well recognized him at least, but his name was lost in his memory due to getting knocked out cold.

Calum can't afford showing up at a hospital and explaining how the kid got hurt. He'd be in even more deep shit with his management and the last thing he wants is another lecture. At this rate they'll add more rules for when he's on tour.

"Oh fuck no, he'll get me in trouble." Calum chased after Luke who helped the limping boy into the back of their escalade. The blonde boy was bruised all along his right arm, a red indent on it showing where the hood had come in contact with him. His left side of his forehead bleeding profoundly, worrying him more so with keeping his car clean when the blood trickled onto the leather seats.

"Fine, would you rather nurse him back to health yourself?" Luke couldn't believe Calum. He managed to ruin a trip to McDonald's so easily. Calum sensed the sarcasm in Luke's voice and took the driver's seat in defeat. He can't clean up a cut for his life.

They drove to the hospital in dead silence. Calum trying to come up with a different story of how this happened. If he can lie and twist the story around he won't get in trouble for almost running someone over. "Okay, so we say I found him like this and offered help." He bargained to Luke who was sitting in the back with the boy, holding a napkin he found in the center console against his bleeding cut.

"Good. Then you'll be seen as a hero and not a guy who bails on his fans." They shared a high five before Calum headed towards the nearest hospital he knew that was in the heart of the city. If one fan finds him, millions will. It's a life ruining domino effect thanks to social media.

"You dick, my head hurts." The blonde groaned out with a lazy turn of his head wanting the feeling of getting slammed by a car to stop. The aching in his entire right side made him wriggle in his seat until Luke pinned him down muttering to the brunette to drive faster. If this guy keeps moving he won't take it anymore.

"How many fingers am I holding up?" Luke's hand displayed three crystal clear fingers a decent amount of space between this boy's face.

The blonde squinted, "How the hell do you have eight fingers?" Letting that be a sign that Calum really knocked the boy hard.

Luke dropped both arms to his sides giving up. "That's it. You're doomed."

"Me?!" Calum scoffed at the fussy blonde accusing him for this whole situation. He was so caught up in his thoughts that Luke put there he wouldn't have looked away from the road. "You made me question my normality!" Calum bickered back before noticing a couple vans driving behind them.

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