: seventy two :

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Calum parties. It's how he lives his life. That's not necessarily a horrible thing, it has it's good times and bad times though. He's learned over the years what he should or shouldn't do. So, Michael trusts him that this'll be a fun night.

At ten at night it starts to get louder than usual, more people arrive and a ton of them bring their own drink of choice along with a little party favor of extras. The kitchen is loaded with any alcohol or liquor your heart desires. Michael's not a social person, he likes to stay isolated with his tiny circle of friends because too many gets overwhelming. Maybe that's why he's clinging to Calum during this entire thing.

He's quiet for the most part, he only really talks to Calum and Luke since Ashton has chosen to pass on the glorious opportunity of a Calum Hood party. Plus, he had work so he couldn't come even if he wanted to.

By the time it reaches ten thirty, the house is flooded with people, it's surpassed two hundred partiers and is breeching three as Michael soon realizes how close everyone's bodies are throughout the vicinity. He's officially a very claustrophobic and worried boyfriend who's trying really hard to keep Calum from screwing things up. He's drunk, to an extent. That translates to : his voice is slurred but Michael can still understand him.

"Can you grab me another drink?" Calum let's his empty beer bottle clink onto the counter closest to him, his eyes are looking at some friend of his. His name was Jack, Michael thinks.

As Jack (or maybe it was Zack?) leaves to get his friend another beer it leaves Calum to lean back against the wall of his living room, a girl waves to him as she passes by and he gives an eyeroll in response.

"Babe," Calum laughs, though nothing funny is happening, and tugs the redhead closer so he can look down at him. "You look so good right now."

Now it's Michael's turn to laugh because he nearly forgot that this is how Calum gets when he's wasted, all flirty and lust driven. It's hilarious, actually. Because as much as he feels flattered, he knows that Calum probably sees three hazy, spinning Michael's in his vision right now which makes it tough to read his face.

The music is pounding through the floor and thrums through every bone in Michael's body. Some RnB song fills his ears and he watches the way Calum tosses his head back and groans out a loud, "I love this song."

Those brown eyes scrunch shut as he bites his lip, his hands holding the paler boy's waist inch down past his hips to hook his thumbs through the loops of his skinny jeans. He flutters his eyes open and gazes down at him darkly, bottom lip dragged between his teeth.

With his thumbs positioned where they are, it leaves the rest of his hands to splay across his ass, squeezing lightly to make Michael jump.

"Can I kiss you?" The maori's leaning in as he says it and he sounds a lot less arrogant than usual, his face flashes and shows his fear flat out but he masks it easily a moment later. There's a short pause before he adds on, "Really wanna kiss you."

The green eyed boy laughs under his breath, it gets drowned out within the pulsating music, before he can nod to say yes, someone's arm snakes around him from behind and tugs, fast enough that Calum's hands leave from his sides.

"It's a nice place you've got here, Michael." The voice is too familiar. His body wriggles in his tight grip, he feels suffocated, he can't speak. His ex holds him closer, "You know, when my friend started telling me about a rager going down at Calum Hood's place I couldn't turn down the invitation, wanted to pay you a visit."

"I'm gonna kill you." Calum's smug face shows how unamused he is, flexed arms cross over his chest as he gathers up the adrenaline that his many drinks of alcohol so graciously gifted him.

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