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The tension grew palpable in the air, Michael guiding Calum out into the hallway and refrained himself from possibly just smacking Calum across the face. This whole situation isn't entirely Calum's fault and he gets that but he could've at least cleared it up and notified everyone that they are strictly just friends, if even considered so.

An impatient Calum leaned against the beige hallway wall, arms across his chest waiting for something to come out of Michael's mouth. Raising his eyebrows at the bleach blonde who was only pinching the bridge of his nose and sighing. How does he put it clearly? It's not like Calum's gonna take him seriously when he politely says not to refer to him as his lover. They aren't fuck buddies, he's not one of Calum's affairs from a club, not a one night stand. They're friends and that's that.

"Listen here, you rich piece of shit," Michael finally let the words leave his lips. The nickname only a mere slip of the tongue but nevertheless it caught Calum's full attention. A pale finger jabbed into Calum's shirt, the black muscle tee contrasting against Michael's skin tone as his usually cheerful voice showed a newfound rasp. "I don't know how many people you've slept with nor do I want to but I can promise you this, I am not your little lover so either you tell them the truth or this whole bet is off."

Calum's lips parted to speak up, to make a quick note that he hasn't gotten a chance to say anything about this bet to the public. However, he let his mouth clamp shut at the remembrance of twitter, he could've just explained everything on there. His millions of followers would surely spread the word and maybe even calm down. For once, Calum actually admitted he was wrong. He let his shoulders slump, eyes falling to the ground in defeat, he can't call off the bet. This is his chance to live a normal life, to feel free for a change.

"Give me your phone." Michael held a flat palm out towards Calum, if this boy couldn't do it himself he would. But Calum stayed still, hooded brown eyes glancing up at Michael in a glare, he is not giving him his phone. You can take his wallet, his car, hell even his stolen watch but never in a million years is he handing someone his phone. That gold iPhone is his child, it has all his apps on it: uber, twitter, snapchat, even his camera roll. The pictures on his phone for the most part are private, only posting a few to social media of his concerts or just little landmarks he visits. But he has so much more stashed away that he likes to keep secret.

"Calum I'm being serious." He aggressively took hold of the phone in Calum's pocket and slid it out with a huff leaving his lips. "Dude!" Calum went to get his phone back, keyword his. But Michael's legs were in a fast sprint down the hall and into the living room yelling at Ashton to keep Calum away from him at the top of his lungs. He unlocked the phone with ease seeing Calum wasn't smart enough to use a password and quickly went on a search for Twitter.

"Wow, twenty million followers?" Michael gawked unbelievably impressed at how many people keep up with this boy's life via social media. Ashton had stood from the couch by now and was holding the berserk maori back with his arms spread wide. Calum rolled his eyes at Michael, hand trying to grasp onto the phone but nowhere near close enough to get it back. "Yes, you ass just hand me the damn phone!" Calum's insult didn't phase Michael the slightest bit as he already finish tweeting off the boy's account.

"I'm not dating Michael what the fuck?" Michael read his genius tweet out loud and finally surrendered to the very pissed off maori with a shrug. "What can I say? It needed to be done." The bleach blonde placed the iPhone into their palm with a satisfactory smile on his lips. Ashton let his arms fall to his sides and raised his eyebrows, all of this was so Michael could send a simple tweet off of Calum's account?

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