: fifty six :

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Michael is hydrogen, carbon, calcium, nitrogen, phosphorus, and oxygen. The same elements inside of every other person on this planet, but Calum sees him as so much more. He is more than the six factors that built him into who he is today, he is light. He is made of the stars in the sky, celestial and bright, almost surreal.

The grass beneath them acts as a bed, their bodies lie on the ground facing the night sky it's deep black color coated their surroundings and the moon's crescent shape acted as the main light source.

Michael's in his own world, in his element, stargazing and speaking in soft whispers that only the maori can hear. Not like anyone is nearby, this is their spot that they found, on a nice rural cliff that gives you a beautiful view at the top, a few trees in bloom behind them.

Calum is a lot quieter than usual, too fully enraptured with Michael to ruin his rambling, it's serene and his words are relaxing.

"I think if I had enough free time I'd do this every night, you know?" He's turning to stare at the maori who's already been studying his features through the soft rays of the moon that smoothed over his face. Those green eyes were hidden in the dark but he could still see the glimmering golds and silvers inside of them.

"At home I used to climb onto my roof when I couldn't sleep, I'd stare at the sky for hours just thinking." He's right beside him in the grass but he feels so far away at the same time, their hands are brushing but they're not being held, their shoulders are a foot apart and Calum's yearning to stay close to him.

His red hair is deep and messy, slightly astray from the cool breeze that comes and goes.

"I wish I didn't have a roof on my house, like, so I could stare at the stars whenever." He's peering back up at the sky now, murmuring his words into the air as he blinks a couple times. The grass rustles and a breeze whirls by.

His hand raises to point into the air and smiles, "That one's so bright." His words are sweet and laced with happiness.

"Like you." Calum replies without thinking, his lips tweak up into a small sheepish grin. His sensitive side is rare, so whenever it shows he instantly regrets it but he's trying his best to be more open with his lovey dovey feelings.

"You're a sap." Michael laughs and drops his hand so he can send it to the boy's hair, raking his fingers through it just to see the look in his eyes, his curls are messy and natural. That's how Michael likes it, though, so he grins back and wriggles so he's turned on his side.

"You love it." The brunette is gaining his confidence back when the red haired boy nods, his own hand tucks Michael's fringe behind his ear receiving a hum of content as a response followed by a low, "You know I do."

Despite their close proximity they don't kiss, only stare for awhile before the red haired boy takes a deep breath and falls onto his back, "What do you think you'd be like if we hadn't met?" He's curious, and the serenity of the mood is almost calming enough to make the question sound okay yet the maori is taken back a little bit by the abruptness of it.

"I'd be horrible." He responds instantly, "Hands down, no doubt about it, I'd still be a complete and utter asshole."

"You weren't that bad." The pale boy stares at him with a straight face to show he was serious but the brunette only scrunched his eyebrows in disagreement, almost aghast that he thinks he's telling the truth. Michael huffs, "Okay, you were pretty bad."

They laugh together as the brunette nods, still chuckling, "I know I was." His body still lying on the grass as he rises a little, using his elbows to anchor him into the ground. The phone in his pocket buzzes but he never makes a move to check or answer it.

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