: eighty one :

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The sun is hanging high above them as clouds are dispersed about in the baby blue sky, the sound of waves crashing on repeat loom around them and all Michael wants to do is stay in this beach house forever if it means seeing a view like this everyday.

He doesn't think he's seen Calum look this carefree in a long time. Michael didn't step on the sand yet, still lingering on the porch observing the scenery with his one arm resting on the fence as the other props his chin up in his palm. His eyes have to squint to see through the sunlight. Adding a haze of serenity in his vision, a smiling Calum standing at the waters edge, hands stuffed in the pockets of his swim trunks. Every now and then water reaches his ankles and he'll glance up towards the sky.

Michael wants to know what he could possibly be thinking of, what his mind is saying right now. He looks content for once, in his own state of mind that's not a hectic mess. This is how his break should be spent.

Ashton and Luke have yet to arrive, it took some coaxing before Ashton called off for the weekend using his saved up vacation days and said screw it. They'll be here for dinner-ish, in an hour or two if they don't get backed up from city traffic.

The glass door slides open and shuts with Tiffany now by his side, she's bare of any make up or hair products, which is a very odd thing when that's her profession and passion. Her bikini is a deep blue with spaghetti straps, a tote bag slung over her shoulder. She smells like the banana scented sunscreen he so graciously applied onto Calum's back.

"Isn't it great?" She gestures to the coast, nobody to be seen in their line of vision unless you squint at the far left where one woman seems to be enjoying her private property as well.

"Yeah, s'nice." He grins, turning back to look at his boyfriend, who's taken a step closer into the water. "Hasn't said a thing since he went down there, won't even turn around."

"He has a lot of memories in this house, nostalgia is a given." She's just as soft spoken as he is, scared that if they raise their voices above a murmur they'll snap the boy out of his reminiscent trance.

Michael's curious to find out what memories this house may hold, if they're as calming as they seem to be by the look on the maori's face. How his lips tweak into a smile every now and then. It's some sort of tooth-rotting adorableness that makes his stomach flip.

"How's the wedding planning going?" She strikes up a different topic, while digging through her bag to find her sunglasses.

"Slow. He's doing most of it, wants it to be perfect." Michael laughs under his breath, "Gonna make himself crazy with all the research he does."

"He just wants it all to go well, trust me. He can't disappoint anyone." She slips her designer sunglasses on and gives a full smile, teeth on display, "Heart full of gold, that boy."

Michael doesn't want to get deeper into that topic, he could justify that statement for days on end. Calum has the kindest soul he's ever had the opportunity to know. Not a single fiber in his being can look at him and disregard the fact he's done nothing except give and give to so many people. Whether it be a fan, a charity, even Tiffany. She gets to stay here whenever she so pleases. Calum's the sweetest guy there is, even though he won't admit it.

Michael trails behind as Tiffany starts for a spot on the sand, her bare feet leaving a path of footprints up until her laid out towel and perched up umbrella. She has a book flipped upside down to hold the page and as soon as she lies down on her stomach she begins reading.

He only makes his way towards the water, and more importantly, towards Calum. The sound of the ocean grows nearer with each step and the salty air gets stronger. He can sense the maori knows he's approaching because without turning around he opens his hand to be held.

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