: eighty two :

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The circle of friends, and technically an adult supervisor aka Tiffany (who claims she's a friend and that four years isn't that big of an age difference), all sat around the living room of the beach house. It's dark outside, and only a single lamp is flicked on in the corner. Luke and Ashton claimed the couch, Michael and Calum are sitting on the floor near the coffee table, and Tiffany is in the single chair beside the couch.

Their dinner of take out food is still being picked at but for the most part, they've finished eating. Michael's slightly tipsy from his handful of beers and Calum's still not finished with his first. It's very amusing to see Michael slowly turn drunk with each sip.

"Did you know Calum got a boner in class once?" Luke's making sure to really embarrass the guy who's confident and braggy on the daily. Michael's enjoying it, laughing and snorting with his head shaking.

"I was, like, thirteen." Calum grunts in protest.

"He kept staring at some girl's boobs and-"

"Stop." Calum groans and hides his face in his hands, "It was the first time I saw them, okay?"

"When did you even lose your virginity?" Luke points at Calum objectively, laughter bubbling from the redhead's lips at the question he heard. He leans into the brunette to rest his head on his chest.

They've been asking questions to better their friendships in this small circle, and so far it's been a blast. As shown by the smiles on all of their faces.

"One month before my first tour." Calum hums as if that will help recall the memory, "I was- what?- sixteen, maybe seventeen, this girl at some record release party started making out with me and then we just. . .kept going."

"Lame." The blonde deadpans, bringing his beer to his lips and swigging it.

"At least I didn't lose it in the boy's locker room after soccer practice." He's quick to defend himself, and in doing so, throw Luke under the bus. He thought he forgot about that, he would never. They may have grown apart over the years but those memories stuck this entire time.

The curly head of hair beside the blonde chuckles at the image put in his mind, only laughing harder when Michael starts giggling with him across the room. Those boisterous green eyes squinting as he leans into his boyfriend some more, practically sitting on his lap now. Calum's not complaining.

"I lost mine to Ashton." Michael snorts, the blush on his cheek partially from the amount of alcohol in him, his lips curve into a dopey smile, "In his bed, um, we broke it. The headboard."

Calum sobers up faster than anyone else could possibly regain all stability. His spine straightens itself back up and he has to blink a couple times. His eyes shoot straight to the guy he's talking about and he's so proud of Michael's statement it sickens him. An accomplished grin spread from ear to ear, his eyebrow piques up as a silent take that.

"Calm down," Michael can sense his switched persona, a soft hit to his chest as if that'll snap him out of it. Those dark ebony eyes break away from the daggers he was shooting at Ashton. Instead, he observes the way his drunk boyfriend curls into his side and smiles. "You're better than him in bed."

And okay, wow, if drunk Michael is this honest, he wants him drunk all the time. (Not really, but you get the point).

It's almost like the roof of the house breaks open and a beam of light from the heavens shines down onto Calum while some abyss or vortex of sorts sucks Ashton six feet under. The blue ribbon gets handed to the maori as he gets the trophy and pedestal he so rightfully deserves.

Ashton doesn't look so proud now, in fact, he seems offended that something was said that dropped him off of his little cloud in the sky. It's hilarious. Sad, but hilarious.

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