: fifty seven :

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There's a hand rubbing smooth circles on Michael's back to wake him up gently, his face is buried in a pillow that smells faintly of Calum's cologne, his body is bunched up underneath the blankets as he only murmurs something about being tired and stays in his comfy position. It feels like it's too soon to be woken up as if he only rested for half an hour.

"Babe, wake up." The brunette is smoothing a calloused hand down his side as the redhead only grumbles and turns onto his back so he can see him, it's still dark. He doesn't understand why he should be awake when the sun hasn't even peeked over the horizon in the slightest.

Calum's only wearing his boxers, the sight making Michael's eyes widen slightly as he watches the raven haired boy move so his body can hover above him, their bodies remaining close with just the blanket between them. He feels both of the older boy's hands find his shoulders and he stammers out a few words, "What are you-"

"Shh," He sounds different, raspier and gruff, his Australian accent seems more present all of a sudden and he feels too close for comfort as he leans down to place short kisses down his jaw and neck.

To try and move he squirms under the blanket and gets his arms free from being underneath the covers so he's able to grab the maori's bicep and lift one of his arms off of his shoulder, he lets his chest get tight with anxiety when all his shoving does is get Calum to grip his frail wrist and pin that down instead so he's fully stuck.

The sensuality took a turn for the worst when he feels Calum's lips suck on his neck and try to leave a mark, his fear heightens. This isn't what he wants.

"Calum," He's kicking his legs to try and get an advantage, his heart is leaping out of his chest, "Stop, I can't- I don't want to." His skin is almost on fire from where their hands have touched him and he's going clammy from fear, eyes glossed with tears because he can barely breathe. Why can't he breathe? Why isn't he listening?

The raven haired boy only replied by biting a hickey into his skin, the redhead flinches, "M'gonna bruise, stop." His leg finally gets enough room and strength that he manages to knee him in the crotch, the brunette sits up and his hands leave Michael's very, very shaky body. The grunt of pain from the raven haired boy makes him only shuffle back towards the other side of the couch and lets his palm land on the spot where he gave him a hickey to wipe away any residue, he feels dirty and gross.

He's sweaty and his whole body is trembling when the brunette looks at him from the far end of the couch, there's barely any lighting, nothing except an occasional lamppost from the highway rolling by and covering his face for a faint second or two before it disappears. It doesn't make it any less scarier.

There's nothing but lust that drives the brunette to move up to him again and his lips curl into a smirk that doesn't make Michael come close to feeling safe, there's a moment where they stay frozen, just the air around them that has a hum of desperation, his breathing unsteady as the raven haired boy lets his hand cup his cheek and lets his gravelly voice raise just barely above a whisper, "Just relax," His other hand finds Michael's thigh, "Do this for me, okay?"

"N-No." Michael shakes his head, he's gonna start crying soon and he can't feel anything except the overwhelmingly rough hands that are roaming his body, were his hands always this big and calloused? His eyes are screaming the words he's too scared to say out loud, his mouth won't open, his breathing never settles into anything other than panicky and ragged breaths that make his body shake and his lungs feel so small and incapable of taking deep breaths.

He feels hands press his body down so he's stuck underneath him and his shoulders feel like they're about to go through the couch, sinking into the leather until he's just nothing and he can be far, far away from him. He wants to scream, he needs to before this goes downhill and everything goes wrong, he bawls his hands into fists and he tries to push him away, hits his chest and his gut but he's not even making a dent into his skin, Calum is steel and he's nowhere close to breaking.

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