: sixty nine :

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In the morning when Calum's phone blares it's deafening alarm he wakes up to a very chirpy Michael laying on top of him and peppering his face in kisses.

The sheets are still draped over them but not as high as when they fell asleep, the redhead's entire upper half is on display. Pale skin that's just as porcelain and smooth as Calum remembers it to be. The velvety red of his lips contrasts perfectly to the fair color of his skin, even more so to the amber color in his eyes.

The sun's not even up yet, it has just barely peeked it's way over the horizon by now and Michael's weight is suffocating him a little but even if he is crushing Calum's stomach with his body he doesn't care because he still takes Michael by the waist and flips their bodies so he can lay on top of him now and reverse it. His own thighs balanced on each side of him, Michael's happy as can be despite how early it is.

"Do you want breakfast?" The redhead is laughing through his sentence as Calum's lips trail down his neck in quick, open-mouthed kisses that make his heart race faster, getting his blood to course throughout his body.

"Don't need it. Wanna stay in bed with you." Calum manages to say it in between kisses, his raspy morning voice prevalent. He slips a hand further down into the covers so he could graze the side of Michael's thigh.

"You need to eat." Michael's still laughing and has the biggest smile on his face. Although he's trying to get the boy to eat, he shows no signs of moving or getting out of bed to cook. He only squirms a little under his touch and leans his head to the side so Calum can kiss at his jaw some more.

"They'll have food at the venue." The brunette lifts his hand so he has both planted beside Michael's head, "They won't have you at the venue."

They're face to face and his brown eyes are basking in the sight of Michael smiling below him, his face is shadowed by the way he's towering over him. Those gorgeous green eyes scan the room before he blushes, "I can't believe you're home."

His hand lifts up to cup Calum's face as if he's not here, wondering if he's imagining all of this because he was told they wouldn't see each other for another two days but yet, here he is. In the flesh.

"I can't believe we're still talking and not making out right now." The brunette's lips are parting open, his head leans down and catches Michael's lips in a kiss. He tilts his head and deepens it further, evoking a soft moan that's followed by a shiver, Michael's hands find his hair and decides to play with the untamed curls on top of Calum's head. His bed hair is always his favorite.

They separate in favor of Michael's lips biting a hickey into his skin, just below his ear, the moan he gets during it is enough praise to tell him he's doing it right. He missed getting Calum all riled up and pushing his buttons. It's the one time he gets such a rush of adrenaline that makes him feel less weak and more powerful. He has the maori falling under his touch and it feels incredibly satisfying.

"Do you wanna-"

"Yes." Calum answers Michael before he can finish his sentence, already knowing what his proposition would be, "Fuck, yes, missed you so much."

To prove his point of just how much he really did miss Michael, the maori's hips grind down and the undeniable outline of his length makes the redhead moan in between kisses with the boy.

When his hand starts to snake it's way to his underwear and grabs a handful of Michael's ass through the fabric, the door flies open and a familiar head of curls is entering unannounced, "Do you want waffles or panca- Oh my God!"

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