: seventy five :

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BEFORE THIS STARTS IT'D BE AMAZING IF YOU GUYS NOMINATED SPOTLIGHT FOR 'best gay fanfiction (male characters only)' IN thefanfictionawards !!!

Love makes you do crazy things. It makes people like Calum drop everything whenever Michael asks for a single thing. He wants to make him happy no matter the costs. He deserves everything he could ever hope for.

So, when Michael asks him to spend a day with Ashton to bond, he feels inclined to say yes.

"You two have to hang out, if I'm marrying you, Ashton's practically my brother and you have to get along with my brother." Michael has a way with coaxing him into these sort of things, batting his eyelashes and pouting. He knows it works on Calum, so he uses it to his advantage whenever he gets the chance.

"You and Ashton did a lot more than brothers do." He crosses both arms matter-of-factly.

Ashton scoffs from the other side of the couch, "Jealous much?"

"See?" Michael groans, emphasizing everything with both hands flailed out, "This is what I'm talking about, you have to fix this. It's immature."

He's sick and tired of how his two favorite people absolutely despise one another. He wants a nice, healthy relationship in all aspects of his new life and this is stopping that from happening.

"I'm gonna take you guys to the mall, drop you off, and I'm not picking you up for three hours." He's getting up for the garage and picks out the keys he finds in the little dish you see when you walk in.

"Don't drive the Tesla, Ashton doesn't deserve to be in it." Calum's getting up off the couch in pursuit for the garage as well, the dirty blonde being hated on follows in tow with a frown etched on his face, trying his best to hold back a rude remark.

They climb into the black escalade, Michael makes sure everyone is buckled and backs out with Calum already going into grumpy mode in the passenger seat. It's a pretty far drive from here than it is from Michael's place, close to half an hour actually.

"Why is there a blood stain back here?" Ashton eyes the faded but still lingering drops of blood that got on the seats. His finger pokes at one skeptically as he asks the two people in front of him.

Calum takes this into his own hands and sighs, "It's from when I hit Michael with my car." He bluntly says it without thinking of how unsubtle it sounds to others. Even Michael seems a little shocked at his nonchalant tone. Ashton asks too many questions, he finds that out fast.

Actually, he completely forgot about that stain, it's not often people sit in the back of his car, he can't even remember the last time he drove this car. It might've actually been when Michael hit him, who knows.

The scenery goes from luxurious houses in private estates to fast food chains and tiny apartment complexes in mere minutes, a much less pretentious vibe of the city as Michael gets homesick at the sight of his old house in the suburbs, giving a quick glance to it before continuing to drive. He doesn't hate his new house, but the memories of his very underwhelming house are sentimental to him.

The trees that pop up here and there along the sidewalks are being counted by Ashton in his head, he's at eighteen now, and it's starting to get boring. He wanted a distraction from Calum's own comments as they drive and now it's rendering itself useless.

"You two can't just leave each other and fend for yourselves, I want you two to try and work things out, please?" The redhead knows that neither of them agreed fully to this idea. It was all consisting of pouting and begging with the occasional puppy dog eyes. He's not asking them to walk out of the mall hand in hand skipping off into the sunset, he wants them to just find something in common. Anything. He turns into the parking lot while his lecture begins.

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