: four :

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Simple. Very bland and ordinary, Calum noted. Michael had given him directions to his house and Calum wound up heading back out to where he accidentally hit the poor guy with his car. A whole street of houses oddly identical to one another. It seemed as if the farther out to Sydney the two drove the smaller the houses got compared to Calum's mansion of a living space to work buildings towered high all the way down to Michael's boring two story house.

It's not like Calum hated the house he just wasn't expecting a colorful dorky boy to live in such a small two story house with a shingled roof and white paint plastered onto the sides. A bright red door giving it some form of originality but besides that it looked just like every other house down the block. The identical driveways and mailboxes and even matching windows sort of made Calum sick but he parked his car and sucked it up. It looked like a house a family would buy, not an awkward teen getting paid minimum wage.

"Where do you work anyway?" Calum unlocked the car door and gave a small once over of Michael trying to decipher his job just from his looks. His first guess would be Hot Topic but his quirky side showed more of a video game vibe so maybe GameStop.

"Well ironically I was headed to work when I got hit with your car," Michael was quick to open the door for himself with a small shrug. His job's not exciting, it didn't really interest him so why should it be important for Calum? "I work at Macca's." He hopped out of the car, noticing the way Calum tilted his head to the left and connected the dots. Since McDonald's is right down the street Michael walks to work and it turns out they were both headed to the same place when the accident took place.

"But you weren't in uniform?" Calum followed suit and got out of the car, hot on Michael's tail who walks extremely fast for a shorter boy. Calum's duffle bag slung over his own shoulder waiting for a response. "Isn't it a rule you need to wear one?" He irked Michael to the brink of actually answering, the two stepping up the blacktop driveway and towards the vibrant red door.

"Would you wear a dumb visor and name tag all day?" Michael's rhetorical question shut Calum up. He doesn't wear a uniform for the sole reason it would lower the small bit of dignity he has left when he walks down the sidewalk. Calum's lips clamped shut without another protest. "That's what I thought." Michael rolled his eyes as he dug through his pocket for the house key, fishing it out with ease and clicking the door open.

"Welcome to my not-so-humble abode." Michael swung open the door to reveal a foyer, branching off into two rooms on the left and then right. A living room just around the corner and a coat closet for the next. Michael kicked off his converse and pointed to his left where a couch and coffee table were placed, various papers and remotes on the glass table along with a couple video game discs scattered about.

"Hopefully you don't like things super clean," Michael wasn't one to be extremely poised let alone tidy when it comes to his house. He can clean most days, he'll do the dishes and pick up dirty laundry it's just a few tedious tasks that he slacks on. From actually cooking to window cleaning that's where he drew the line, he'll do anything else if asked but he puts off the ones that aren't necessarily needed for good hygiene. So hopefully Calum didn't have OCD or any pet peeves with how Michael lives, then there would be a problem.

"S'fine." Calum shrugged, still close behind Michael's tracks when they took yet another turn that branched off into the kitchen. White walls and a tiled gray floor giving it a very dull vibe, the white stove and matching fridge both up against the far wall and a few countertops until the sink and dishwasher were shown in their beaten down glory. "Those cabinets have most of the snacks and lots of other shit is in the fridge." Michael pointed out the white cupboards and opened a few of them to give a quick preview of what's inside, chips and such that Calum can already feel himself pigging out on.

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