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Here's the thing about private jets- Michael has never been on one. Surely this isn't a shock to anyone because he's not rich nor greedy enough to get one himself. Calum was kind when he took him onto it, stating that he will make sure it's not too excessive but there was bubbly champagne and the seats had built in massage settings with a flatscreen, and if that's not his 'excessive' plane then Michael can't even fathom what the excessive one has on it.

The maori let his manager discuss plans for the week and he was more than excited to hear he's going to LA right now. Los Angeles, California. In simpler terms, Calum's favorite getaway to ever exist. Sure, he has his real home in Sydney but at Los Angeles he has some friends and his better house (once again, Michael was shocked the Sydney house wasn't the most pretentious thing this boy owns) to look forward to. He has a free day for relaxing once he lands and then tomorrow is the award show.

"Award show, yes." The bleach blonde's head nodded slowly in remembrance, he can recall their extremely short conversation about it. The rockstar invited him, he never gave an answer since he told him about his booming sex life that begins after the show ends.

And here's the problem, Michael's been thinking. About sex. Which for him, is mildly rare and very unusual.

He couldn't sleep on the plane, unlike the brunette who leaned on his shoulder with his adorable soft snores snoozing the drowsiness away, that's when his thoughts started to pop into his mind. Because he most definitely loves Calum, and he finds him (very) attractive. He can recall the day Calum dirty talked him on their way to the diner, grabbing his thigh and whispering to him. That flustered him, he was hot and bothered and even moaned in the car. He's obviously turned on by Calum at times.

When the maori started to readjust his position in the plane chair and in the process he let his hand land on the boy's thigh as if even in his sleep he can read the boy's mind, Michael sucked in a sharp breath and shut his eyes. He was trying to evaluate how he felt about that touch. It felt nice, his own hand falling on top of Calum's and moved it higher, breath hitching as he instantly retracted, a bit flustered as he realized one of the greatest revelations of his life.

He wouldn't be scared of having sex with Calum.

His green eyes did a slow once-over of the brunette beside him, his arms, his legs, the sliver of soft brown skin peeking out of his shirt that rode up. There was little to no thought put into his actions when he pulled the arm rest between them up so it was out of the way, unbuckling from the seat since he could right now while they were flying. The warm embrace of Calum becoming comfier when he snuggled closer to him, head falling on top of Calum's as they stayed close.

He took a short nap (at least it felt short, in reality it was an hour and a half) before he was getting a soft shake to his shoulder stirring him out of his slumber. The lights in the plane brighter since they were in California, the timezone now making it dark out, the time on his phone reading it as 9:41 pm. The brunette supplying him some information with a low murmur of, "Buckle up, they're landing soon."

The turbulence wasn't the worst thing in the world, but it was definitely there as they landed in Los Angeles, the manager and a couple guards on board as well readying all of the carry-on's for them and even carried it off for the two boys.

"Tomorrow's schedule is very busy. We need to pick your outfits for the award show and your performance at the award show, then it's to your stylist for hair and then you have three interviews on the carpet along with one after the show. You're nominated for six awards, and all are fan voted so tweet the hashtag tonight, get your boyfriend to do it too." David was reading the plethora of to-do list activities off of his phone while they all gathered themselves.

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