: sixteen :

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Two boys lounged on a couch, the throw pillows off to the side as they used each other's shoulders as a comfier compromise. On the tv in front of them, a Harry Potter marathon played on the screen. They're on the fourth movie by now- The Goblet Of Fire. A classic that had the two snuggling closer under a shared blanket with a tub of cookie dough ice cream in between them already half eaten and starting to melt but neither of them cared.

"I'd date Ron," Michael quipped conversationally, shrugging in a nonchalant manner as he explained in further detail. "He seems like he'd treat a guy right." Chunks of cookie dough and vanilla ice cream got scooped into his mouth to get another bite of his sad excuse of a lunch.

To say he's bummed was an understatement. The boy was downright depressed ever since he left Calum's house and sure at first he didn't care but after he spilled the details on his whereabouts last night and why he ditched their gaming session to go cater to a drunk Calum, the blonde felt his sadness slowly fill him to the brim. Ashton decided to stay at his home and try to suppress those bad thoughts and cheer his best friend up by finding some movies he likes and buying him a nice gallon's worth of ice cream. Yeah, Michael's thankful but he misses Calum and his stupid brown eyes and terrible commentary.

"Unlike some people," The hazel eyed boy's attempt of a joke got taken the wrong way and slowly watched a pout jut out on Michael's pink lips. The movie no longer important as Michael's head hung low to stare blankly at the tub of cookie dough ice cream. "Not that I meant Calum is like that but-"

A finger pushed against the dirty blonde's lips to quiet him, new silence growing between the two as Michael let in a deep breath before releasing a long sigh. With a straight face he spoke, "I'm not in the mood."

It's bad enough to think about Calum so much but mentioning that douche of a friend made him angrier and sadder by the second. On top of that he still left all of his things here and Michael can't enter his room without tripping over that boy's duffel bag.

"You're no fun when you're bummed." The grumpy look on Ashton's face further showed his aggravation with his usually giddy best friend. He's used to having their conversations light up his day not make him feel bored and annoyed. If anything he just wanted Michael to forget about that popstar and move on to better things.

"Come on." The curly haired friend suddenly stood from the couch, a lazy Michael only burrowing further into the couch and shaking his head at the thought of doing something. "I'm serious, let's go through his shit and find some blackmail." Now that he brought up the idea of blackmail on him, Michael's green eyes were shooting up to meet those devilish hazel ones.

"I can't get revenge, he'll sue me for touching his stuff!" The boy had good intentions to cheer Michael up and he understood that but if he so much as breathes on that duffel bag his ass will be on the line and he is not ready to show up on another magazine. Especially if it's over him losing money.

But he seemed to forget one major factor, "You can just sue him back! Michael, he hit you with a car." On accident, he wanted to pipe up but honestly, Ashton was right. Going through that maori's bag is nothing compared to getting slammed by a car. It's his fault for leaving his bag here so he's basically offering to let those two get some filthy revenge on that superstar.

He didn't know what to expect. Maybe some cash, a credit card to possibly use, a gun for all he knows could be stashed in there. But he definitely wanted to find something secretive, something that his fans would practically faint from knowing he has it. There's hope for that considering he can sell half of the clothes in it to make some good hard cash from those obsessed fans that would do anything to breathe the same air as Calum. Now this idea didn't seem that bad.

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