: seventy four :

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Calum enjoys peaceful moments. As much as he loves being on stage with screaming fans all around him, he enjoys the quiet times, too. Standing in the kitchen with his cup of coffee warming up his hands while Michael tries to get rid of his sleepiness by rambling about things. It's calm and it's how he likes to wake himself up with the least amount of rushing possible.

His hangover is violent, every pulse of his heart sends an overwhelming thrum to his brain and he can't even bring himself to go outside at all, the sun is too bright for him to handle. He's still nauseous and woozy, his hand hurts like hell, and he looks like it, too. Nothing really went right last night. He can tell that much.

He's more than lucky to have Michael right now, though. He remembers bits and pieces of last night and Luke made sure to send him a very lengthy paragraph of a text to tell him everything that happened. He messed up, Michael said he forgives him. That doesn't mean he still doesn't feel like shit for it.

They enjoyed simple breakfasts of cereal and coffee, they still talk in little grumbles of words. It's hard to form a coherent sentence when all you want do is sleep for ten straight days.

"Ashton just texted me, he's here." The red haired boy hops off of the counter where he was sitting and shuffles his way towards the foyer. Calum's reply is a curt nod and goes back to sipping his coffee in peace.

There's a settled hum throughout the halls, the whole house feels balanced. Until it isn't.

Chaotic is an understatement. Ashton's swinging open the front door before Michael even reaches it and proclaims a loud, "Where the fuck are you, Calum?"

The maori freezes and can't bring himself to answer. Why should he? He knows how that'll end and he does not want another bruise on his face. Maybe if he stands still long enough he'll disappear for good. He knew Ashton would hate him but he's not gonna deny Michael to hang out with him, that's just selfish. So he let him come over, hoping with all his might this would be a civil discussion, not an outrageous fight.

"You think you can just scare the shit out of Michael? Did you think I wouldn't find out?" He finds him anyway, so hiding is no use. The darkness in his usually bright hazel eyes is a major difference, his entire body marches towards him to just scare him even more.

Calum shouldn't be intimidated, he has a good three inches of height on Ashton but something about the situation and the fact he knows Ashton's not a weak fighter makes this worse. He's the opposite of calm right now, he's livid and fuming with anger as he corners him in the kitchen. The usual fight or flight response within him screams to run, but he's unable to move, so that leaves him with fight, but he learned that's not the correct way to handle these situations. Michael's six feet away from him watching this.

His lips part to say something but he's at a loss, everything is too hectic for him to even comprehend what to say. There's two strong hands going to his shirt and clutching the fabric just to get a slight shove into the counter. Ashton knows not to get violent, but he barely catches the slight change in Michael's eyes when he does that.

"Wanna explain why I woke up to fifty seven texts from Michael at two in the morning telling me that you scared him into a panic attack?" Ashton grits his teeth, jaw locked in place. He could kill him right now, he could actually murder Calum over what happened.

And God, Michael didn't tell Calum he had a panic attack, he only said he cried. His face falls into despair and gazes over Ashton's shoulder to where the redhead stands in the hall. Reserved as can be with his thumbs fumbling to distract himself. Of course he didn't tell him the truth, he didn't wanna worry him.

"Stop it, you'll scare him." The maori's not in the mood to fight back, he just wants to drink his coffee and relax but no, he has to argue with him again.

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