: twenty :

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The chilly morning took Michael by surprise, body stirring slightly in bed only to feel his waist held down to the mattress with something heavy. Still half asleep and disheveled his eyes blinked hard once or twice before focusing on what kept him in place- Calum's arm. The nearly bare brown skin, not even close to as inked as his left arm, secured itself around the blonde while his body curled up behind him as the big spoon.

It didn't necessarily bother Michael, in fact he enjoyed cuddling with Ashton a lot in his free time. But it felt weird with the brunette, they're not nearly as close as him and the dimpled boy, if anything they're just newfound friends who barely know much about one another. Whereas with Ashton, he can name what the boy ate for dinner every day last week ( Friday was chicken parmesan, his favorite).

Deciding to stay there the blonde relaxed into the warm aura of Calum's bare chest, he rarely wakes up before the rock star so today was already full of new experiences. His green eyes trailed down to the floor of his bedroom, the carpeted floor was messier, some of the items in Calum's bag had been tossed out and it wasn't very orderly. Socks scattered here and there, his journal half opened and bookmarked with a pen rested on the windowsill next to a pack of cigarettes.

Suddenly, Michael realized why it was so cold in his room, the window had been opened that night and probably stayed discarded as that for so long it let in the cool night breeze. He hated to get out of the cozy position he just situated himself in, but he prefers his room warm.

His hand went to wriggle out from under the grip Calum's arm held only for his hand to brush over something. Both of his eyes flashed awake, not wasting a second to get his hand away and clutch over his heart that just nearly had palpitations. He did not just feel what he thinks he felt.

Morning wood.

Calum cannot have a god damn boner, not when his crotch was just nonchalantly pressed against Michael's bum for the night. It brought unwanted chills to the pale boy's spine, he's never really experienced such an awkward situation before. He's never felt so dirty and uncomfortable in his life, and trust me, that's saying a lot because his whole life story is packed full of embarrassing encounters- tripping in public, calling a woman sir, passing out during his graduation.

But waking up and accidentally brushing over Calum Hood's hard on- that's a first.

In a rush he scrambled out of his own bed, dropping Calum's arm onto the mattress and letting out a sigh of relief when the raven head of curls only readjusted so he hugged a pillow instead and luckily his eyelids never fluttered open once. Confrontation and conversation are the last things Michael wants right now.

It's fine, this isn't anything that will scar him for life, in fact if he told Ashton the sandy haired happy friend of his would only turn this into one of those humorous stories they tell their other friends at get togethers.

Actually getting to business the blonde creaked the window shut and let out a heavy sigh of relief. What had he been doing last night? His mint green eyes drew down to where the few common items Calum never leaves without sat- the leather journal and a pack of Camel cigs. Yet another cigarette missing from the container as his hand hesitantly went to grab at the song book, had he been writing again? The curiosity peaked only for him to hesitate, index finger curling under the bookmarked page.

Invading his privacy isn't right, he knows, this is so wrong and he shouldn't be snooping through any of this millionaires stuff but it was very tempting. Being able to see exactly what the brunette thinks at the late of night, look at the chicken scratch of handwriting he has, lace over his thoughts as if they were his own, it's all so alluring.

Just as he went to flip open the journal somebody opened his bedroom door, a familiar quiff of messy blonde hair peeking into the room and scanning the premises, icy blue eyes falling apon Calum and then over to where Michael was caught in the act of trying to sneak a peek at whatever secrets this journal holds.

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