: sixty five :

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Home is a lot more overwhelming than Michael remembers. Maybe it's the anticipation he had built up or the sweltering heat of a thousand suns that bores onto his very tired and sleepy face but either way it's a bold and bright experience. He took a relaxing nap on the (fifteen hour long) plane trip and now he is waking up in a nice and sunny Sydney.

Ashton is by far looking happier and healthier than ever, his smile is impossibly wide with his dimples. His hair looks trimmed (it's sad how quick Michael notices) and Luke is in tow with a meek wave and tight lipped grin.

They don't have enough time in the actual airport to talk because security is ushering them out. Word got out that Michael left Calum in California alone and now the paparazzi is trying way too hard to get a response out of him. There's nonsense questions sent his way pertaining around him possibly breaking up with Calum leading him to leave and he almost speaks up but holds it all back for the sake of his public image. He huddles close to his friends and apologizes fifty times out of sincerity when they hop in the car.

"Did you see the video TMZ posted?" Ashton whips around from the passenger seat of Luke's new car, "Calum was seen in a jewelry store, they think he bought a ring."

"Fuckin' doubt it," The blonde pipes up in a lack of enthusiasm, deep blue eyes carefully eyeing the road, he doesn't even give Michael time to respond when he adds on, "Don't get your hopes up, he told me he bought a new watch."

The redhead in the back parts his lips to intervene. He wants to bring up the fact he kind of doesn't care because them saying that only stresses him out way more. He saw the Instagram post and it's definitely already in his mind constantly being questioned. It could happen any day now. Any month. Any year. It could never happen. He could've just lied to make the boy happy.

"Calum's not the kind of guy to buy his expensive shit in public." The blonde knows this, he states it sternly with an index finger pointing in the air for emphasis, "That promise ring on your finger? Custom made by some French jeweler, he consulted with him in private."

There's a defeated slump in Ashton's posture, he seems more bummed than Michael who's still trying to wrap his head around the information that was just thrown at him, his eyes are examining the ring on his hand and he slides the pad of his thumb across it in fascination. He doesn't want to rush into marriage. This is perfectly fine by him, they're doing great at this boyfriend thing, actually. They still have so many milestones to hit so he'd rather wait awhile.

But then again, if he did propose soon, he wouldn't say no.

Bottom line is, marriage is a yes from Michael but he's not demanding it right this very second.

"How would you know?" The red haired boy is peering at Luke, an accidentally ruder than intended tone slips through as he asks him. His arms fold across his chest and he's raising an eyebrow in question to challenge the blonde. Luke shrugs, "He texted me and asked if you'd like a ring, he questions everything he does for you to me and Ashton before deciding."

"Yeah, he even asked me if you'd be okay with sex, the night of the award show." Ashton's head is back to peeking at Michael from the front of the car, a laugh escaping his lips as Michael only burns red with embarrassment. He never knew Calum thought so diligently about stuff like that, he never did before he met him.

"Let's find somewhere to eat, I'm starving." Michael glances out the car window for any restaurants that may catch his eye, they're just exiting off the highway and still on the very edge of the city. There's a nod of agreement from his friend up front and Luke hums in thought. They decide on some Chinese buffet food.

He sends a text to Calum to tell him he's fine and safe, he's probably stressing more than he should about this. He should be relaxed and carefree and he really is, but at the same time an underlying yearning makes him miss Calum the more he's here. He pushes it deep down and focuses on the upcoming two weeks.

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