: forty five :

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"Is my handsome boyfriend ready yet?" Calum was leaning against the door that Tiffany had dragged Michael into after she shooed the maori out in his getup for tonight. A laugh emitted from through the door, over the sound of a hairdryer as Michael said something along the lines of how he is almost done.

His hands stuffed themselves into his signature black skinny jean pockets, these weren't torn though. His upper body was adorned in a flannel of red and black, it's pattern fading darker towards the bottom. Anxiously, Calum checked his reflection, Tiffany decided he should straighten his hair and okay, he misses his natural hair so much. This one's much harder to keep tamed and doesn't look good messy, he has to keep fixing it and she put so much hairspray in it that it's starting to make him annoyed.

Before he could fix another strand the door behind him swung open, Michael's bright green eyes filled with obvious excitement glowed as he let his hand go up and ruffle through his new hair- a deep red that took the maori back a few steps. No wonder they took so long, she died his whole head.

"Holy shit." Calum brought his own hand up so it ran through the fringe, it still felt soft. Incredibly soft. "Do y'like it?" The now-redheaded boy scrunched his nose as he smiled bashfully, he had acted on impulse when she offered him any hair color touch ups.

"It's hot." The brunette let his eyes do a once over of his boyfriend's outfit, his own pair of black skinny jeans and a white t-shirt covered by a leather jacket. "You're hot." Calum confessed under his breath.

"Touché." He had to stop smiling as he smirked instead, leaning closer to Calum as he found Calum's hands for his own to hold. Using those as his leverage he began steering the older boy towards the door so they could get going, the traffic is already getting bad and they need to get there on time.

Outside a limo was waiting, it's sleek black door being opened by an old man as a chauffeur. He didn't expect it, like, Michael knew most celebrities do that for red carpet events but he, himself, never even fathomed the idea of being able to have one too. Before his mouth could even form words he was ushered in by the maori who thanked the man and continued to lead Michael into the limo.

"Oh my God." His hand pointed to everything he found fascinating, the sparkling champagne, the real leather seats, the bluetooth speakers. He had never in a million years had guessed he'd be living like this. Before he forgot, he sent a picture of the entire scene to Ashton, not to brag, just to freak out that this was actually happening.

"Only the best for you." The brunette had let his head prop itself on the boy's shoulder, whispering it lovingly in his ear as they finally started to drive down the Los Angeles big city streets. He felt accomplished when he got the red haired boy to blush as bright as his hair and click his phone off.

A good half an hour or so later and they had reached the busy red carpet flooded with reporters and other singers that Michael can't even process he's going to be in the same facility as. Every knot in his stomach twisted and wrung together, he's scared. This is all live, what they say is going to be heard by millions. He's not exactly afraid under pressure but he can see himself cracking from it.

"Okay, you see that little area," Those brown eyes were locked on one of the few spots not covered in other people's footprints or interviews. "That's where we're supposed to stand for pictures." His hand was trailing to the smaller boy's dip in his back as the door opened and camera shutters were suddenly all that Michael could see besides the outline of Calum stepping out in front of them, partially blocking off most of the cameras for his boyfriend who ambled out of the limo with a dorky smile that was nearly identical to the face Calum snuck back at him as he guided him down the carpet to their spot not too far off from where they were.

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