Chapter One: Killer Kool

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Grant Thomb's POV (aka Killer Kool)

"What do you want to be when you grow up, Grant?" That's a question I got my whole life. "Just myself," I'd answer.

Well, now I'm all grown up. I hope the world is proud of me. I've done a lot more than most people. I've affected so many lives, conquered some opponents, I've even antagonized heroes. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention what I actually do for a living; I'm a supervillain.

Cue the depressing backstory! I grew up with abusive parents, no siblings, blah, blah, blah. I have a stereotypical villain backstory. However, it's my fault, or that's what everyone told me. I was abused because I was weird, abnormal, and an abomination, etc. I never told anyone I was gay because I could've been put to death for that, but people thought I was weird for other reasons. Unfortunately, I did get caught with another guy once, but I obviously didn't die. Unbelievably, this wasn't the only reason I was abused. My dad was a drunk. He'd beat my mom, until one time, she pulled a knife and told him not to touch me. He slapped me, and she stabbed him. That was a good day. Anyway, I got my powers from an accident. Some genius trapped me in a cellar in the middle of winter with radioactive material. It gave me telekinesis, the power to fly, and super speed. It was super random, but I'll accept what I can get. I also got another power, but I'll get to that later.

Now, I'm the biggest, baddest villain in Alium City, Kansas. Also, I'd just like to point out that I know 'baddest' isn't a word, but it goes good with biggest, don't you agree? Makes me sound cool. That's beside the point, though.

In Alium City, there have been a bunch of people try to stop me. They called themselves heroes or vigilantes. I didn't care what they called themselves, they were all too easy to defeat. Then comes along a new hero. He calls himself The Fighting Flame. My name is way better. I'm Killer Kool. It's strange because we have the same powers except I can shoot ice out of my hands, and he can shoot fire. That's the other power I was referring to earlier. Someday, I'll defeat this "hero", and when that day comes, I'll be the ultimate supervillain. No one will be able to stop me.

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