Chapter Forty One: A Cold-Hearted Move

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Author's Note: I rewrote some of chapter forty one and added a lot to the end of it, so please read!

Grant's POV

"Grant! Get up and go to work! You're going to be late!" Sparky shouts, but I barely even hear her.

"I don't feel like it," I manage to groan.

"That's because you're hungover. How much did you drink?"

"Like, a glass or two. Or maybe I mean bottles. I don't know nor do I care. Leave me alone." I lie back on the couch again, but she opens the curtains.

"No, you're getting up at least. You still have to take care of yourself." She tries to get me up, but I just stay limply on the couch.

"I refuse. Now close those curtains. The light burns!"

"Do you hear how childish you're being?" Then, the phone rings. "Now, who the hell could that be?"

"I don't know! Answer it and find out!"

"Hello." She says, irritant.

"Hey, Sarah. It's Colt."

"Well?" I say to her.

She covers the phone and says, "It's Colt!"

I groan. "Hang up."

"What's up, Colt?" She asks politely into the phone. I sigh, realizing I've lost.

"Well, I went up to Titum City looking for a job as a librarian and they weren't hiring. Since it's the only city near Alium City that has a library, I'm going to keep my job here. I thought I should let Grant know since we will be working together."

"Oh, um, thanks for letting us know. I'm sorry that you missed out on another job."

"It's okay. I guess I'm just meant to stay here. Maybe Grant can learn to forgive me."

"I don't know. He started drinking again last night."

"Don't tell him that! He doesn't need to know my personal business," I say angrily.

"How about you talk to him, then?" She asked mockingly. I was silent, so she resumed her conversation.

"Oh my god! That's awful! Should I come over there? I don't want to make things worse, but I can't stand to hear that he's doing this bad."

"It's up to you."

"Alright. I'll probably come over there then. I feel awful."

"Don't feel bad. He's doing this to himself."

I shot her an angry look. I get that I'm being petty, but she's not being much better. She hung up the phone and looked at me with a pleased look.

"Guess who's coming over," she says smugly.

"Great. I'll be in my locked room." As I start to get up she shoves me back down.

"Can't you guys just talk one more time? The shock is over. You both are done with being a hero and villain, so why don't you just start normal lives together?"

"Why don't you understand? I could've killed him multiple times wouldn't have even known until it was done! Do you think I could have lived with myself, Sparky?" I finally snapped. I couldn't hold back my frustration anymore. She just looks at me, almost afraid, but there's an understanding in her eyes. I calm down and talk slowly. "All I can see when I look at him are all the times I almost killed him. Then, I also remember all the times he lied to me about injuries when I'm almost certain that I'm the one who caused them." I break down, and she tries to comfort me.

"Grant, you didn't know. He injured you too. Neither one of you could've known. What matters is that you both know now, and you need to take advantage of it. Right now, he needs to be comforting you, not me," She says calmly, but sternly.

I start calming down, and there's a knock at the door. Sparky and I shoot each other knowing looks. It's obviously Colt. She goes over to the door, opening it and motioning for him to enter the room.

He looks at me like he's pitying me, which makes my temper boil. However, it's short-lived as I realize it's sympathy rather than pity in his eyes. When i look into those fiery eyes, I see a future, and I wonder if maybe things could be right again. Maybe we aren't so different after all.

Colt starts to come near me, but all the positive thoughts I have vanish. We aren't similar. He's the most courageous hero this city, no the world, has ever seen. I am a pathetic villain, striking down any of those who get in my way. My eyes begin to tear up, and I turn away from him.

"Grant, please." He reaches out for me, but I just can't bear the thought of hurting him. And if we continue down this path, I will. "I can't go on like this. Why can't we live normal lives together? Or be heroes? Or-"

I cut him off. "Or what, Colt? Be villains? Like you could ever do that! You are the most gentle, kindhearted, amazing..." Starting to choke up, I trail off.

He reaches for my hand, and this time I let him take it. "I would do anything for you, babe. I don't care what we do, I just want us to do it together." His eyes start to mist.

I looked into his eyes and remembered everything we had been through. The hatred as our aliases but also the love as ourselves. Looking into his eyes, I could see how he loved me so intently, but I just couldn't let this go. I looked at him sadly, and caressed his smooth, muscular chest for the last time, sending a shard of ice into his heart. "I'm sorry," I say to him, as his last, frosty breath leaves his body. "I really did love you." I let him fall to the ground, as Sparky lets out a shrilling scream. 

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