Chapter Twenty Three: Sidekick Backstories

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Grant's POV

    I wake up to a beautiful sight, but drowsy head. Sparky must've given me something. My words are slurred, but as I walk to the kitchen with my boyfriend, I start to feel better.

     "Sarah didn't give you a hard time, did she?" Sometimes that girl worries me.

    "No, but when she knocked on the door, she asked if we were fully clothed."

    "She didn't." I put my head in my hands, and he starts laughing.

    "It's okay. Daniel would do the same thing. They would be a perfect match."

    "They really would. I thought he was gay, though," I say, curiously. I always assumed he had a crush on Colt. I mean, who wouldn't?

    "Well, he's actually bisexual. He never had to tell me, I just always had-um- bad timing when it came to checking on him." He blushes, which just makes me laugh.

    "So, are you his brother or something? Sorry, that was random, but I was wondering." Dammit, I'm losing my cool. It's just kind of ironic that we both have "teenagers" living with us.

    "No, when I met him, he was living on the streets. Just this young boy that had no idea who he was. His parents kicked him out for being a freak, so I took him in. We became friends, and he's lived with me ever since then. Is Sarah your sister?"

    "Actually, no," I pause, remembering the story. Funny thing is, I don't even have to lie very much. Some details are better left omitted, but it's almost a normal story. "I had this really close friend who knew everything about me. I loved him, even though he could never love me back. Anyway, he had a daughter. For certain reasons, he had to go away, and he had a daughter. He loved her with all his heart, but he was going to a place he couldn't take her. He asked me if I'd take her in, knowing I couldn't say no. He never came back for her, so she lives with me." My eyes start to tear up at the memory of that man. His name was David. What I left out was that he killed himself because he fell in love with me, and he knew what I was. He couldn't handle it all, so he ended his pain. David also thought Sparky had something wrong with her. She was struck by lightning, so he thought she was cursed, and in way, she was. He left a note for me telling explaining everything. It broke my heart, and I knew what I had to do. I raised Sparky as if she was my child. She has been the only child I've ever raised.

    Colt snaps me out of my thoughts when he surprises me with a hug. "You're the kindest person in the world," he says. It sounds like he's choking back tears.

    I pull away so I can look into his tear-filled eyes. "That can't be true, when you are ten times better than I am." I put my hands on his cheeks and kiss him with a passion that could've burnt this apartment building to the ground. I pull back and say, "Come on, we've been standing here talking too long. Our food's probably cold." He just nods, and we start eating in silence.

    After a nice meal, we decide it's best if we just go back to bed. My medicine still hasn't worn off, and he seems tired as well. Once we are both laying down, he wraps his arms around me like he did before. I feel so safe and secure with him, like there isn't a care in the world.

    "Goodnight," Colt whispers into my ear, his hot breath sending a shiver down my spine.

    "Goodnight," I respond simply. I fall asleep after only a few minutes, and it's the best sleep I've gotten in years.

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