Chapter Five: A Super-Villain in Need of Dating Advice

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Grant's POV

          Did I really just get Colt to go on a date with me? This is amazing. I never thought this would work! I think it's kind of funny that he had to give me his address. I know where he lives because I know where most people live. When you're a villain, you have to know where people live.

          Anyway, I have to decide where I'm going to take him tonight. I should've asked him what he wanted rather than saying it's a surprise. That was kind of dumb.

          Some librarian goes to the front of the room and says the meeting is starting. I take my seat, but I don't pay any attention to what anyone is saying. I have a date to think about. Should I bring him flowers? Should I get him chocolates? Maybe I should come early. Or would it be better to get there a little late? I need to talk to someone. After the meeting, I'm going to visit my friend Sparky.

          Sparky is my best friend. Well, she's actually my only friend. Her real name isn't sparky, but I gave her that nickname because of her power. Yes, she has superpowers too. Keep up, you mundane mortal. She has the power to make sparks and electricity come out of her hands. She's my assistant. Sparky is the only one that knows about my alter ego.

          I walk to my apartment and see that the door is slightly ajar. "Sparky? Are you in here?" I ask. I get my hands cold, ready to shoot ice at any intruders.

          After a moment of silence, I hear a response, "I'm in here. Sorry, I must've left the door open." It's Sparky's voice, so my hands grow warmer.

          "Why did you do that?" My voice has concern in it, and she notices.

          "Were you worried about me? That makes me feel so special," she says, making a heart out of sparks.

          "You're so funny. However, I have more pressing matters at hand," I declare in an imperious voice.

          Her green eyes light up. "Oh really? Like what?" She tries to sound uninterested, but I saw her excitement.

          "Well, if you aren't interested, I won't bother you. Go back to working on that," I sneer, gesturing to the strange contraption on the table.

          "Come on, Grant. Spill." She knows I'm going to tell her no matter what. Sparky isn't a fool.

          "Alright. Remember that guy I told you about? The orange-eyed librarian?"

          "Of course I do. You talk about him all the time," she laughs.

          "I don't talk about him that much." She rolls her eyes, and I continue, "I'll have you know I asked him out today," I state, matter-of-factly.

          "You didn't!" Sparky is in utter shock, pun intended.

          "I did, and he said yes." She gasped, but I ignored her, "We are going to dinner tonight," I finish, hoping she'll catch on.

          "I can already tell you need help. Bring him flowers and maybe chocolates. Arrive on time, not late nor early. Compliment how he looks, and for the love of God, don't be conceited."

          I tried to look taken aback, "When am I ever conceited? I am an unpretentious, modest, and humble person." I smirk.

          "Good example of being conceited. Do you even own a suit?" She asks.

          "I own a supervillain suit. Why? Is that not acceptable?" My voice is thick with sarcasm.

          "Do you want my help or not?" She crosses her arms and looks me dead in the eye.

          "Yes, ma'am," I bow my head dramatically. "I do own a suit. I also know how to dress for a date. It may have been a few years, but I learned that from television."

          "I think you mean a few hundred years," she says suspiciously.

          Right. I forgot to mention that I'm immortal, didn't I? Well, I'm about 500 years old, but I look 25. I don't age, and it's the worst thing about me. I haven't dated since I had my heart broken, which was a long, long time ago. Sparky is immortal, too. She's always had my back. "You can help me dress up. Just don't make me look like a fool, okay?"

          "Yes! I will make you look amazing. Or, well, as amazing as you can look." She winks at me, and we walk to my room.

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