Chapter Thirty Two: There are Two Sides to Every Coin

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Grant's POV

    "Sparky! Guess what!" I shout when I get back to my apartment.

    "You're back early," she responds, yawning.

    "Well, that ties in with what happened."

    "Obviously, it was good because you're in a better mood now than when you left."

    "Yes, it's amazing. Give me a nanosecond, I'm going to change." In practically no time at all, I change clothes and sit on the couch with Sparky, so I can tell her what happened. "Flame showed up and wanted me to turn a blind eye while he arrested Richori. However, I convinced him to give me a favor of virtually anything, and he agreed," I recite excitedly. This has been one crazy day, but at least one good thing came out of it.

    "That's awesome! I can't wait until you cash it in."

    "Yeah, it'll be great. I just have to think of something crazy. Something he'd never do. . ." I trail off and yawn.

    "Oh! I just remembered, you got a couple calls while you were out. I was asleep, and I almost broke your phone when it went off because it woke me up."

    "I'll check it in a minute. I'm going to bed now, though. It's been a long day." I sigh.

    "I understand. Goodnight, frostbite," she giggles at her nickname for me.

    "Goodnight ya nerd." I mess up her hair as I walk to my room which makes her laugh.

    I sit on my bed and look at my phone. Four missed calls from Colt, and two voicemails. I hope everything is okay. I listen to the voicemails, and luckily, he was just checking on me. I shoot him a text telling him everything is okay, and I'm going to bed. He responds after a few seconds.

From: Colt

    Goodnight, beautiful. I'll talk to you tomorrow <3.

    I smile at his adorableness and lie down. Sleep comes easier when I'm thinking about my boyfriend.

Colt's POV

    "Good morning," Stretch says when I walk into the kitchen.

    "Good morning," I reply grabbing a cup of coffee.

    "Well?" Stretch asks excitedly.

    "Well what?" I ask, confused by what he meant.

    He sighs. "Did you catch Richori?" He's impatient this morning.

    "Yep," I respond nonchalantly and take a sip of my coffee.

    His jaw almost hits the floor. "That's it? No details of how it went?" Stretch gives me a disgusted look.

    "It was simple, really," I pause, debating on how to tell him about Killer Kool's offer. "There was just one minor conflict," I say quieter.

    "What happened?" He looks almost scared to ask.

    "Well, I might've made a deal with Killer Kool."

    "YOU DID WHAT?" He shouts at me. I give him a minute to calm down, and he says calmly, "What was the deal?"

    "I owe him a favor," I pause to study his reaction, and it's nothing good. "Anything he wants, I have to do it."

    He's silent for a minute, which scares me a little. His expression changes at least thirty times before he responds. "Okay."

    "Okay? That's it?" I thought he'd give me a lecture or tell me that I'm an idiot, but he didn't.

    "Colt, you're an adult. You make your own decisions. The only thing I can do is hope that you make the right ones. I'm going out for a bit. Are you going to see Grant?"

    "Umm, yeah. I thought I'd go see what he's up to," I respond awkwardly. Stretch's response stunned me.

    "Alright, see you in a bit." He leaves without another word about the deal I made.

    I sigh. That was an extremely awkward conversation, but I couldn't keep that from him. I'm going to text Grant to see if he's busy. I need to take my mind off things.


    Good morning! Have any plans for today?

    He responds almost immediately.



            I do now ;). Sarah isn't home, so come over anytime but make it quick. I wanna see you ASAP.


            I'll be there in thirty minutes.

            I would've gone right after he text me, but I need to shower and change.

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