Chapter Thirty Three: How do I Have Someone Who's so Perfect?

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Grant's POV

            I smile as I read the text from Colt. Throwing my phone on my bed, I look in my closet for something to wear. My plain Batman shirt and my hole-filled jeans are what I decide on. I look in the mirror and thank God that I didn't have to fight Fighting Flame last night. My face isn't beaten up, and I feel great. I fix my hair in that messy way that always gets people's attention. All in all, I think I look pretty great.

            I can't help but think about that deal I made with Hothead. I need to think of something for him to do. It has to be something he'd never think of, and something that could damage him. I think it over for a few minutes, and it hits me. I've figured out a way to break him. I grin wolfishly, but I'm pulled from my thoughts when I hear a knock on the door.

            "Hey there, hot stuff," I say as I open the door.

            Colt blushes. "How's it going?" He asks as he comes inside my apartment.

            "Better since you got here," he raises his eyebrows as if to say, "really? You're that cheesy?" I guess it's my turn to blush. "Sorry that was bad."

            He laughs and says, "I thought it was cute," he sits on the couch and I sit next to him. "So. . .?" Colt says after an awkward silence.

            "You wanna watch some TV?" I ask. There's a loud bang that makes him jump. I laugh at him, which makes him blush again. "Was that thunder?"

            "I guess so. It was raining lightly on my way over here, but I didn't think it was supposed to storm," he says.

             I get up and look out the window. Sure enough, it was pouring down rain. "Wow it's really bad out there," I go back over to the couch and grin at him. "Don't worry, I'll protect you from the thunder."

            He laughs and rolls his eyes in a semi-seductive way. "It didn't scare me, I was just. . . surprised by the sudden noise."

            "Okay, whatever you say. What do you want to watch?" I was hoping to do more than watch TV, but I want him to feel the same way.

            "Well, it looks like an episode of Doctor Who is on right now," he suggests.

            "I, um, I've never seen Doctor Who," I say.

            "Oh my God. You need to watch it! It's one of my favorite shows!" He says excitedly.

            "Okay, I'll turn it on."

            Colt starts to slowly move closer to me. I have to decide if I want to tease him or let him cuddle with me right now. I'm sure anyone who knows me could guess which one I choose.

            "Do you want something to drink?" I ask as I get up.

            He looks confused for a second but quickly regains his composure. "Sure, could you get me a glass of water?"

            "Yep," I respond simply.

            I take my time getting us glasses of water, and I secretly glance over to him. He looks kind of frustrated, but there's a hint of determination. I bring him the water and sit closer to him than I was. He takes a drink and looks over at me. Then, he looks away to shake his head.

            "What?" I ask, genuinely confused.

            "Nothing," he says as he takes another drink.



            I raise my eyebrows at him.

            "Alright, alright. I looked over at you a second ago, and I thought to myself 'how do I have someone who's so perfect?'. It was just a random thought."

            "I think that all the time about you." I put my hand on his and lean closer to him.

            "I love you," he blurts out. He pulls back, looking shocked. I've thought of this moment a few times, and I always thought I'd be shocked too, but I'm not.

            "I love you too," I respond without hesitation. Colt relaxes, and I kiss him.

            Just like most of our kisses, this one was passionate and filled with electricity. This time it's different, though. This is our first kiss after confessing our love for each other. I push him onto his back and we continue kissing. I grind on him, which makes him moan a little. After a few minutes, he pulls back.

            "Grant, I want to do this," he breathes.

            "Are you sure?" I look him in the eyes to make sure I don't see any hesitation.

            "Yes," he responds. He seems completely sure, so I kiss him again as I pick him up and carry him to my room.

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