Chapter Twenty Nine: Maybe Ignorance Really is Bliss

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Colt's POV

            What just happened? I'm so confused. I can think this through later, though. Right now, I need to check on these people. They swarm around me when they notice I'm standing there. They're all talking at once.

"Thank God you came!"

"Without you, we would've died!"

"How did you stop that monster?"

"That man is crazy! You should've killed him."

"Enough!" I shout, silencing the crowd. "I don't need anyone telling me how to do my job. I just want to make sure everyone is okay," I say calmly.

People nod and say yes. No one yells that someone is trapped inside or that another person is severely injured, so I wish them a good day and leave with Stretch who is silent. I love people, but I'm still in shock over what happened with Killer Kool.

We land at home, still not talking about what went on at the tower. I quickly change and grab a cup of coffee.

"Are we going to ignore the elephant in the room?" Stretch says, slightly startling me. I'd forgotten he was there.

            "I don't know what to say. I offered him a fair deal, then he just quits? What did he mean by saying there would be no winner?" I sit down and hold my head in my hands.

            "Well, without the ultimate villain, you aren't really the ultimate hero and vice versa. He realized that life would just be boring for one without the other. It doesn't really matter now, does it? You guys will continue doing this forever, or until one of you dies or retires. Nothing good will ever come of this, but your destinies are entwined, so there's nothing you can do about it." Stretch pauses, and I just blankly stare at him. "I'm going to take a shower," he says.

            "Okay, um, I think I'm gonna call Grant."

            "Alright. Let me know if you go out," he responds.

            "I probably won't. He said he had plans tonight," I yell at him. He'd already started the water and closed the door, so he might not have heard me.

            I type in Grant's number and hit call. It rings a few times goes to voicemail. I try again, and the same thing happens. I shrug it off. He's probably already out and has his phone on silent.

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