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Edith: I'm going to win the bet. Mama is going to win.
Darrel: I'm sure she will.
Darrel has added Robert, Carson and Cora to the conversation.
Robert: What is this?
Edith: Darrel and I are hosting a contest.
Cora: Why?
Darrel: We're bored. Question one, what does BTW mean?
Carson: Boring teachers win?
Robert: Boys treat women?
Edith: Not even close. Mama?
Cora: Brian Tudor Wulfric?
Darrel: WTF! It means by the way!
Edith: Next question, what does WTF mean?
Carson: Why the face?
Edith: I'm afraid that's not the answer.
Robert: Wet the floor?
Cora: Where's the food?
Darrel: WTF???
Edith: It means what the f**k. Last question, what does TMI mean?
Cora: Transmitted infections?
Robert: Take my information.
Carson: Take medium internship??
Edith and Darrel: WTF??
Darrel: It means Too Much Information. What the bloody hell is wrong with you old people?
Cora: Be nice Darrel.
Edith: Last chance to redeem yourselves. It's simple. What does LOL mean?
Cora: Lots of love.
Edith: No Mama.
Robert: Loser of the loners.
Darrel: WTF is wrong with you?
Robert: I don't know. What is wrong with you?
Carson: Live out life.
Edith and Darrel: WTF!!
Edith: You are all hopeless. And I used to think I was hopeless.
Cora and Robert and Carson: I quit.
Cora has left the conversation.
Robert has left the conversation.
Carson has left the conversation.
Edith: I'm amused.
Darrel: LOL
Cora has been added to the conversation.
Cora: BTW, WTF does LOL mean?
Darrel and Edith: Laugh out loud!
Darrel: Well done Mama, you've learnt something.
Cora has left the conversation.
Edith: And...she's gone.
Darrel: LOL
Hi everyone!
I hope you all enjoyed this text.
This was co-written by Cat4TREE  go check out her profile.

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