Robert: Darling, I know you're returning tomorrow, but we're going shooting tomorrow afternoon, so we may not be there when you get back. But servants will still be there.
Darrel: Don't worry Papa. Just be careful.
Robert: I will. We've been shooting for years now.
Darrel: And remember, it is a sin to kill a mockingbird.
(Book: To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee)
Unknown number: Hello.
Tom: Who is this?
Unknown number: You know who.
Tom: No, I don't.
Unknown number: How very offensive. Since we share names.
Tom: I'm confused.
Darrel: Stupefy.
Unknown number has been stupefied off the conversation
Tom: Who was that?
Darrel: You-Know-Who.
Tom: I'm confused.
(Book/Movie: Harry Potter series, by J.K Rowling)
Mary: Edith, what do you think of my new haircut?
Edith: Anything on you looks hideous.
Mary: Oh come on Edith! Be honest!
Edith: I am.
Mary: I'm going to dinner with some Evelyn's friends. I want to look impressive. So come on, what do you think?
Edith: I think you spend a little more time trying to make something of yourself and a little less time trying to impress people.
Mary: I am not amused.
(Movie: The Breakfast Club, directed by John Hughes)
Paul: I'm sad. 😢
Felicity: I feel like I should care, but I don't.
Paul: My hope, has left me. 😭
Felicity: What are you talking about? ❓❓❓❓❓
Paul: Darrel and I. She's off, dating Sebastian. It's not possible to get her now.
Felicity: Anything's possible if you've got enough nerve.
Paul: Really?
Felicity: Yes. Except you should give up with Darrel.
Paul: Thanks.
Felicity: 😀
(Book: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, by J.K Rowling)
((A/N: Voting is still open if you want Darrel to end up with Sebastian or Paul))
Sorry that it's short! I'll try and make it longer next time.
I hope you enjoyed it. Thanks for everyone's votes and comments. Remember to comment suggestions and if you want another chapter like this. Also, I have an author's Q&A book, so you can ask me questions about this book or this fandom on it.

If Downton Abbey had Cellphones
FanfictionIn an alternate universe, the people at Downton Abbey now own cell phones. Read to learn about the lives of the characters of Downton Abbey, from behind their screens. Involves laughter, romance and more. Enjoy! I don't own Downton Abbey, it bel...