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In honour of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Parts 1&2, coming very soon, I'm making a special chapter for a Harry Potter and Downton Abbey crossover. Enjoy!
If you really like this, comment and I might make a second one.
((I do not own Harry Potter! It belongs to the queen, J.K Rowling))
Announcer: Hello everybody! And welcome to the duelling competition between the Harry Potter and Downton Abbey fandoms. No killing is allowed.
Death Eaters: 🙁 Boo! Get off the screen!
Announcer: Secondly, no illegal curses.
Death Eaters: Boo! You suck!
Announcer: Now, for each round, there will be one competitor from each team, and they will be able to choose a second teammate to help them. There will be five rounds. Best of five, wins. Are we ready?
Everyone: Yes.
Announcer: Round One. Tom Branson vs. Tom Riddle (Or You-Know-Who)
Hermione: Fear of the name only increases the fear of the thing itself.
Everyone else: NERD!
Announcer: Okay. Choose your teammate.
Voldemort: Bellatrix.
Tom: Mary.
Mary: Thanks a lot. 😑
Bellatrix: Be prepared to die!!!
Round One
Voldemort: Expelliarmus!
Tom has lost his wand
Mary: Um...accio Tom's wand.
Tom's wand has been returned
Bellatrix: Reducto!
Tom: Protego!
Tom has blocked the spell
Mary: Stupefy!
Bellatrix has been stupefied off the conversation
Voldemort: Rictusempra!
Mary has left the conversation, laughing
Tom: Sectumsempra!
Voldemort has apparated to the hospital
Severus: How dare you use my hex! 😡😡😡
Announcer: Downton Abbey wins!
Round Two
Announcer: Round two. Mrs. Patmore vs. Harry Potter.
Mrs. Patmore: My teammate is Mrs. Hughes.
Harry: I'm choosing Hermione.
Ginny: I feel betrayed! 😢
Harry: Sorry.
Announcer: Begin!
Hermione: Stupefy!!!
Mrs. Hughes has been stupefied off the conversation
Mrs. Patmore: Um...Wingardium Leviosa
Hermione: You're saying it wrong!
Everyone else: NERD!!!
Harry and Hermione: Stupefy!
Mrs. Patmore has been stupefied off the conversation
Announcer: Harry Potter wins!
Round Three
Announcer: Round three. Mr. Carson vs. Dolores Umbridge.
Umbridge: I will defeat you!
Violet: One must not tell lies, Dolores.
Umbridge: My teammate shall be Draco.
Carson: I choose...Lady Grantham.
Announcer: Begin!
Draco: Serpensortia!
Carson has run away, from a snake and the conversation
Cora: Accio centaurs!
Centaurs have removed Dolores Umbridge from the conversation
Draco: Expelliarmus!
Cora: Protego!
Cora has blocked the spell
Cora: Stupefy!
Draco has been stupefied off the conversation
Announcer: Downton Abbey wins!
Round Four
Announcer: If Downton Abbey wins, they win the tournament. So, we have Gwen vs. Ronald.
Gwen: I choose Anna.
Ronald: I'll take Ginny.
Announcer: Begin!
Ginny: Stupefy!!!
Gwen has been stupefied off the conversation
Anna: Expelliarmus!
Ron has lost his wand
Ron: Um...
Anna: Petrificus Totalus.
Ron has left the conversation due to the inability to text and cast spells
Ginny: Stupefy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anna has been stupefied off the conversation, very roughly
Announcer: HP wins!
Round Five
Announcer: It all comes down. To this. Round five. Winners win...bragging rights. We have...Violet vs. McGonagall!
Violet: My teammate is Barrow.
McGonagall: Severus.
Announcer: Begin!
Severus: Sectumsempra!
Thomas has been sent to the hospital
Violet: Stupefy!
McGonagall: Protego!
McGonagall has blocked the spell
Severus: Obscuro!
A blindfold has appeared over Violet's eyes
Violet: Stupefy!
Severus has been stupefied off the conversation
Violet: Oppugno!
Nearby birds go to attack McGonagall
McGonagall has transformed into a cat and eats the birds then changes back
McGonagall: Stupefy!
Violet: Protego!
Violet has removed her blindfold
Violet has casted a non-verbal spell which causes McGonagall to be thrown threw the window
Announcer: Downton Abbey wins!
Downton Abbey: YAY!
Violet: I would like to dedicate this victory to an incredible man. Mr. Julian Fellowes!
Downton Abbey: 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Harry Potter people: 😭😭😭
Announcer: Thanks to everyone who has read this! We hope you've enjoyed! Feel free to vote or leave a comment. And enjoy Harry Potter and the Cursed Child!
Everyone: Woohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!

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