Edith: I call this Crawley sisters meeting to order.
Tom: So, why am I here?
Mary: You're Sybil's representative. Besides, you're more related to us than Darrel.
Darrel: Thanks, thanks a lot. 😡
Mary: Sorry, that came out wrong.
Edith: Anyways, we haven't a meeting in a while. In fact the last time we had a meeting, Darrel was still in the nursery.
Tom: So what's this about?
Edith: Mama and Papa. They haven't spoken for two weeks, Papa's living in the dressing room and they barely look at each other.
Mary: It's sad, but why should we care? They're grown ups, they can solve their own problems.
Darrel: I always knew you were a heartless bitch.
Mary: Shut up. 😑
Tom: I agree with Edith. We should do something.
Mary: We wait for Mama to come to her senses. It's the Queen's fault, not Papa's.
Darrel: Why do you always accuse them?
Mary: Why do you always defend them?
Edith: This isn't going to work.
Edith has added David to the conversation
David: Hello. What's going on everyone?
Tom: We're trying to solve the problem with Lord and Lady Grantham.
David: Oh yes, I've heard about that. Lady Grantham decided to forward some of the emails to Father, and he won't speak to our mother.
Darrel: Your mother.
Mary: I don't understand this Darrel. If you're defending her, why don't you call her your mother? I mean, you're not our family!
Edith, Tom and David: Mary!😡
Darrel: Fine, maybe I'm not your family, biologically. But I've been through so much with the Crawleys. I'm not going to turn my back on you guys because we find out two other people brought me into this world.
Tom: Well said. 😀
David: So, what are we going to do? My parents won't talk to each other, and the servants are starting to spread rumours.
Mary: Well they deserve it.
Edith: I have to agree with Mary. None of this would've happened if your mother hadn't made Papa sleep with her. 😠
David: She didn't make him do anything! And it's your father's fault for having an affair! 😡
Mary: So did the Queen! And she's always in the wrong.😤
Darrel: No she's not!😡😡😡
Tom: Maybe we should all just take a step back, and work this out, together.
Mary: No. Edith, Tom and I will figure out what to do with Mama and Papa. You two, can keep your mother under control.
Darrel: Papa's the one who sent her the emails!
Edith: I can't believe this! After all Papa has done for you, you're accusing him?
David: My mother ignored all of the flirtatious things he sent her.
Darrel: Our mother.
David: Oh...
Darrel: I know when I'm not wanted. Mary, Edith, good luck with your lives.
David: And I would tread carefully. As much as you might dislike her, she is still your queen.
David has left the conversation
Darrel has left the conversation
A few days later
Robert: Why have you ordered servants from London to come and collect your things?
Darrel: I wanted my things at the palace.
Robert: But, when are you coming back?
Darrel: I'm not.
Robert: What?
Darrel: I'm not coming back. Mama won't even look at you, and my sisters have made it pretty clear that I am not part of the family. If I leave, things can get better.
Robert: Please Darrel, I'm begging of you, don't leave.
Darrel: It's for the best.
Darrel has left the conversation
I hope you've enjoyed this chapter.
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If Downton Abbey had Cellphones
FanficIn an alternate universe, the people at Downton Abbey now own cell phones. Read to learn about the lives of the characters of Downton Abbey, from behind their screens. Involves laughter, romance and more. Enjoy! I don't own Downton Abbey, it bel...