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Random-Person: Excuse me, is this Mr. Robert Crawley?
Robert: Yes, why? Who are you?
Random-Person: I'm texting you about the butler-for-a-day offer.
Robert: Excuse me?
Random-Person: I was asked to contact you. Apparently for 24-hours, you will dress me, serve me and basically anything else I want or need.
Robert: I'm terribly sorry, I have no idea what you are talking about. Where have you gotten this absurd idea?
Random-Person: There are posters all over the village, saying you're offering your services.
Robert: Did you see who was putting these posters up?
Random-Person: No. So, when can I expect you?
Robert: If you contact me again, I will ask my daughter to block your number.
Random Person has left the conversation

Later that day
Random-Person2: Good afternoon m'lord.
Robert: Good afternoon.
Random-Person2: Um, I was told to contact your number. About a butler service for a day.
Robert: I've heard about this. I'm afraid you've been given the wrong number.
Random-Person2: You're serious? I've given my butler the day off!
Robert: I'm terribly sorry.
Random-Person2 has left the conversation.
Robert has added Darrel to the conversation.
Robert: Darrel, I need your help.
Darrel: Depends on what it is.
Robert: I need you to head down to the village and take down the posters that have my number and claim that I am going to be a butler for 24-hours.
Darrel: LOL that's hilarious. 😂😂😂
Robert: Did you put those up?
Darrel: Oh Papa, you're losing your memory with your old age 👴🏼. I'm in London, remember? 🏰The King and Queen signed me up for another ball.
Robert: Who else could've done it? Only the family and staff know my number. None of the staff want to lose their positions, and you're the only annoying and mean prankster in the family. ❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓
Darrel: Oh Papa darling, that's really insulting. I'll make sure to thank you in my speech. 😛
Robert: 🙄
Darrel: So cute Papa. The Grand Lord is learning! 😂
Robert: Would you mind figuring out who did it?😡
Darrel: Yes Papa. I'll see you in a week. 😇
Darrel has removed Robert from the conversation.
Darrel has added George, Sybbie and Marigold to the conversation
Sybbie: Auntie Darrel! 😍
Marigold: Are you coming home soon Auntie?
Darrel: Soon darling. Now listen to me you three, don't bother Donk. 🐴
George: What are you talking about Auntie? ❓❓❓❓
Darrel: Don't try and kid a kidder. The posters with Donk being a butler for a day.
Sybbie: Why are we the suspects?
Darrel: Because you're the only ones who would do it. The others aren't childish enough, the staff would risk losing their job and with me in London, it would leave only you three to do it.
Marigold: Why are you so smart Auntie?
Darrel: Darling, when I was your age, and even now, I pranked Donk all the time. But he's very annoyed. If you tell Nanny to go and help you take all the posters down by the end of the week, I won't tell Donk it was you, and I'll bring you something back from London.
George: What?
Darrel: My brother's been going through his old toys, I can ask him if you can have some of his things.
George: Yay! 😀 Thanks Auntie!
Sybbie: 😀😀😀😀😀
Marigold: You're the best Auntie ever! But don't tell Aunt Mary.
Darrel: Goodbye darlings. I'll see you soon.

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