Darrel: I'm bored...
Darrel has added Ms. Bunting to the conversation
Ms. Bunting: Oh, it's you.
Darrel: Nice to text you as well. 😑
Ms. Bunting: What do you want???
Darrel: I was bringing good news, but now I don't think I'll bother!
Ms. Bunting: I am terribly sorry...your highness, what is it?
Darrel: Well now you're just sucking up.
Ms. Bunting: Please.
Darrel: Okay, so the last time I was at Downton, I was walking around the halls at night, when I heard something from Tom's room.
Ms. Bunting: And?🤔
Darrel: So I went in, to make sure everything was alright, and I heard him say...'Sarah, Sarah, Sarah.' He was asleep.
Ms. Bunting: Sure...😑
Darrel: It's true! I'm not lying!
Ms. Bunting: So, you think Tom wants to get back with me?
Darrel: I said he was whispering the word 'Sarah' in his sleep, I didn't say it was you, or that it was a good dream.
Ms. Bunting: Oh...
Darrel: Laters Ms. Bunting.
Darrel has removed Ms. Bunting from the conversation
Darrel has added Queen to the conversation
Queen: Hello Elizabeth.
Darrel: Your majesty.
Queen: What is it?
Darrel: I have some news for you...and it's not going to be easy to say it...and you're not going to like it.
Queen: Why do you always waste my time Elizabeth? Just tell me.
Darrel: Very well. I believe Lord Grantham...um...may want to get back with you.
Queen: Back with me? We slept together one time! What are you basing this on?
Darrel: Last time I was at Downton, I heard...Lord and Lady Grantham talking in their bedroom...about...
Queen: They don't have separate bedrooms?
Darrel: No. May I continue?
Queen: Very well...
Darrel: And they were talking...about....well...their sex life.
Queen: Elizabeth! 😱😱😱
Darrel: Sorry. Anyways, and Lord Grantham was saying...how Lady Grantham...didn't perform as well as you.
Queen: What???
Queen has left the conversation
Darrel has added Lord Gillingham to the conversation
Lord Gillingham: Oh, your highness, good morning.
Darrel: Good morning my lord.
Lord Gillingham: How can I help you?
Darrel: Something has been bugging me, and I thought I should tell you.
Lord Gillingham: Of course. What is it?
Darrel: Well, the last time I was visiting Downton, Mary was telling Tom and I that she was regretting her decision about Henry.
Lord Gillingham: Really?
Darrel: Yes, and she said, 'I wonder if I'd have a better life with Tony.' And you should've seen her face when she said it.
Lord Gillingham: You know I'm with Mabel?
Darrel: Of course my lord! I reminded Mary of that, and she is well aware.
Lord Gillingham: Oh. Thank you for telling me.
Darrel: Of course.
Lord Gillingham: Your highness.
Darrel: My lord.
Lord Gillingham has left the conversation
Darrel has added Evelyn ((Napier)) to the conversation
Evelyn: Your highness, you are the last person I would expect to be texting.
Darrel: Well, we are family friends, aren't we?
Evelyn: Of course. How are you?
Darrel: I've been better. I heard something, and I'm not sure if I should tell you or not.
Evelyn: Then you must say it.
Darrel: Are you sure? I don't know how it'll make you feel.
Evelyn: I want you to feel comfortable saying whatever you wish to me. We're friends after all. 😀
Darrel: Okay. Well, the last time I was visiting Downton, Mary was telling Tom and I that she was regretting her decision about Henry.
Evelyn: Oh? Is she unhappy? Is he making her unhappy?
Darrel: Henry is a kind gentleman. Mary seems unhappy. She said, 'I wonder if I'd have a better life with Evelyn.' And you should've seen her face when she said it.
Evelyn: I thought your older sister found me dull and boring. 😴
Darrel: I think that might be what she wants. A more relaxed life. After all, with Henry being a car man, she's constantly worried about him getting injured.
Evelyn: I see. Well, thank you, your highness, for telling me.
Darrel: Anytime. 🙂
Evelyn has left the conversation
Darrel has added Charles ((Blake)) to the conversation
Charles: Hello Darrel.
Darrel: Hello Charles. How are you?
Charles: Quite well. And you?
Darrel: I'm troubled at the moment.
Charles: Oh? Is there something I can help with?
Darrel: Well, I overheard something, and I don't know if I should tell you.
Charles: If it is troubling you, feel free to say it.
Darrel: Are you sure? I'm afraid of how you'll react.
Charles: Spit it out.
Darrel: Well, the last time I was visiting Downton, Mary was telling Tom and I that she was regretting her decision about Henry.
Charles: Did she say why?
Darrel: No. But she did say, 'I wonder if I'd have a better life with Charles.' And you should've seen her face when she said it. Full of love.
Charles: I see...
Darrel: Should I not have told you?
Charles: No, you did the right thing. Thank you.
Charles has left the conversation
Darrel: Well, I better get to my meetings.
I'll do reactions to these in the next chapter.
Hope you enjoyed!
And thanks so much for all your reads and votes. Means a lot to me.

If Downton Abbey had Cellphones
FanfictionIn an alternate universe, the people at Downton Abbey now own cell phones. Read to learn about the lives of the characters of Downton Abbey, from behind their screens. Involves laughter, romance and more. Enjoy! I don't own Downton Abbey, it bel...