Truth or Dare

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Edith: This is not going to end well...
Darrel: Well, I'm bored!
Edith: You're at the palace! How are you bored?
Darrel: I have a meeting in a few minutes, and they're always boring!
Edith: Fine. But it's your fault if things go wrong.
Darrel has added Robert, Cora, Tom, Mary, Isobel, Dickie, Violet, Henry, Bertie, Rose, Carson, Mrs. Hughes, Thomas, Bates, Anna, Andy, Daisy, Molesley, Mrs. Patmore and Baxter to the conversation
Violet: What is this? Why is everybody here?
Edith: Darrel is bored once more, so we've decided to play truth or dare.
Mary: That's a ridiculous idea!
Henry: On the other hand, I find it a fun idea.
Mary: Oh. So I suppose it's not so bad after all.
Rose: You just want to agree with your husband.
Cora: Speaking of husband, Darrel, you forgot to add Atticus to the conversation.
Darrel: Oops, sorry Rose.
Darrel has added Atticus to the conversation
Atticus: Hello everyone. What's happening?
Rose: We're playing truth or dare.
Atticus: Sounds exciting.
Darrel: Anyways, let's get this game started. Papa, would you like to begin?
Robert: I suppose. Carson, truth or dare?
Carson: Truth.
Robert: Describe your worst date ever with Mrs. Hughes.
Carson: I beg your pardon, m'lord? 😳
Tom: I think you read it perfectly well.
Carson: I suppose it was the first time Elsie did the cooking, and everything tasted terrible.
Darrel: LOL
Mrs. Hughes: It wasn't that bad! And I'm getting better.
Mrs. Patmore: I vouch for that.
Edith: Anyways, it's your turn Carson.
Carson: Mr. Bates, truth or dare?
Bates: Dare...
Carson: Text the first word that comes to mind.
Bates: Bastard.
Bertie: May I ask why?
Bates: I happen to be in the servants' hall, looking at Thomas.
Edith, Mary and Darrel: LOL
Thomas: You're a bastard!
Bates: Lady Grantham...
Violet and Cora: Which one?
Bates: Present Lady Grantham. Truth or dare?
Cora: Dare?
Bates: I dare you to put your phone on French autocorrect.
Cora: Why this issance were.
Edith: Mama, what are you saying?
Cora: I donc l'île this darts
Robert: This is very amusing. Good idea, Bates.
Bates: Thank you m'lord.
Cora: Canneberges I Turin it of now? This is vert annotant! I d'ontariens l'île this!
Violet: I don't understand you.
Bates: You may close the autocorrect now, your ladyship.
Cora: Thank you. I do not like that dare.
Edith: It's your turn Mama.
Cora: Molesley, truth or dare?
Molesley: Truth, m'lady.
Cora: If you could put one person in this household on mute for one day, who would it be?
Darrel: LOL
Molesley: Well...I...I...
Edith: If you forfeit, the rest of us need to decide on a penalty for you.
Molesley: I suppose it would be Mr. Carson. Then he wouldn't be able to give us orders.
Everyone except Carson and Molelsey: LOL
Carson: I would tread very carefully if I were you.
Molesley: Anna, truth or dare?
Anna: Truth.
Molesley: Who is your celebrity husband?
Anna: I refuse to answer! I love Mr. Bates! ❤️
Molesley: You have to, or you get a penalty.
Anna: I suppose, it would be Brendan Coyle.
Bates: Whose that?
Anna: He's a lot like you actually, he even looks like you.
Bates: Except I'm probably more handsome.
Anna: Of course you are. ❤️
Isobel: Would you mind not doing this on the group chat?
Anna: Mr. Bates, would you like to go back to our cottage?
Bates: I would love that. ❤️❤️❤️
Anna has left the conversation
Bates has left the conversation
Thomas: Whose going to take their turn?
Tom: I will. Mary, truth or dare.
Mary: Dare.
Tom: I dare you to say three good things about cars.
Edith: OMG!
Darrel: I don't think she is capable of that!
Henry: Go on darling.
Dickie: This is getting quite exciting!!!
Mary: Well...they help you get around...they're faster than horses and...
Edith: You still have one more.
Mary: And cars make my husband happy.
Darrel: So cute!
Henry: Thank you my darling. You're so sweet. ❤️
Mary: Let's go upstairs...
Henry has left the conversation
Mary has left the conversation
Thomas: I'm disturbed.
Atticus: I find it romantic.
Rose: Do you want to be romantic? ❤️
Atticus: I would love to.
Atticus has left the conversation
Rose has left the the conversation
Darrel: I have to go. David's calling me for the meeting.
Darrel has left the conversation
Robert: We should end the game, now that our coordinator is gone.
Daisy: 🙁
Mrs. Patmore: Come on Daisy, we need to start on the dinner.
Daisy: Yes Mrs. Patmore
Daisy has left the conversation
Mrs. Patmore has left the conversation
Carson: Mr. Barrow, Andy, Mr. Molesley, I would appreciate your help upstairs. 
Andy has left the conversation
Thomas has left the conversation
Molesley has left the conversation
Carson has left the conversation
Dickie: Isobel, I have booked us a romantic meal for tonight.
Isobel: You're sweet.
Dickie has left the conversation
Isobel has left the conversation
Robert: The dressing gong will ring shortly, we should start heading to our rooms to prepare. Mama, will you come to dinner?
Violet: I suppose so.
Robert has left the conversation
Violet has left the conversation
Cora has left the conversation
Tom has left the conversation
Baxter has left the conversation
Edith: We should go. Nanny will be down soon with Marigold.
Bertie has left the conversation
Edith has left the conversation
Mrs. Hughes: I'll go see if I can be of help somewhere.
Mrs. Hughes has left the conversation
I hope you enjoyed!
You can still comment who you want Darrel to end up with. Also, comment with suggestions and if you want a second round of truth or dare. If you want another round, feel free to comment truth or dare ideas.
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